FLOMAX: effective to cure enlarged prostate glands

The chemical name of Flomax is Tamulosin. It is usually prescribed for treating enlarged prostate glands, a medical condition called Benign prostatic Hyperplasia.

The medicine should be strictly used under medical prescription. Phospho diaterase inhibitors, cimetidine, specific serotonin specific reuptake inhibitors, azole anti-fungals, warfarin, etc can interact with the medicine if taken during the course of treatment and hence a dose change might be required. Any other medicines or other medical conditions should also be informed to the doctor, especially if there is a history of kidney or liver problems, fluctuating blood pressure levels, cancer etc. The medicine is not recommended to patients who are allergic to sulphonamide diuretics. The doctor should know about any surgery done or other medical and lab appointments.

The medicine is to be taken half an hour before the food is taken. The medicine should be swallowed whole without crushing, chewing or opening it. It can be stored at room temperature away from heat and light.

Alcohol usage should be strictly avoided during the treatment as it can adversely affect the patient. Problems in vision, giddiness, feeling sleepy etc can be caused due to the intake of the medicine. Other problems are likely to happen in a few people which should seek immediate medical attention. Diarrhea, sinusitis, stuffy nose, cough, body pains, etc are possible side effects of the medicine and the conditions should be informed to a doctor if they persist. Immediate medical attention should be availed if the patient suffers from a fever, throat problem, heartbeat rate increase, chills, other difficulties, allergic reactions etc.

Flomax is a well known drug and at the same time it is widely considered as the best option for most of the strange diseases that you might come along. It is always advised to buy these drugs at CanAmerica Global , as you can save a lot of time and money.