EFFEXOR: emotional content under control

The medicine works against depression and other mood variations. It works by directly altering the required brain substances. It is usually prescribed for depression, panic and over anxiety.

The medicine should be taken strictly under medical prescription. The doctor should be pre-informed about all the medicines and medical conditions that the patient is having. The doctor should know whether the patient has severe mental depression, kidney or liver disease, blood clotting problems, fits, fluctuating blood pressure levels etc. there is a possibility for the medicine to interact with other medicines taken during the course of treatment. Aspirin, ibuprofen, etodolac, nabumetone, diclofenac, pain killers etc can sensitize the skin to injuries. A dose change might be required if the patient is under the treatment of cimetidine, warfarin, tryptophan, haloperidol, risperidone, other medicines or even other medicines used for the same medical condition. The medicine is not recommended for people who are allergic to any ingredient of the medicine or to the medicine itself. Suicidal tendencies are found in youngsters during the first few weeks of the treatment and hence they should be kept under close observation. If any sort of uneasiness, weakness, sleeping troubles, suicidal thoughts, irritation, restlessness, sudden mood swings etc is experienced, the doctor should be contacted immediately.

The medicine is recommended to be taken the same time everyday with a whole glass of water by swallowing it whole. The medicine should not be crushed or chewed. But the capsule can be opened and the contents can be emptied into a spoon full of liquid substance. This mixture should be swallowed whole. The medicine should be stored at room temperature away from heat and moisture.

The medicine may take a month or even more to show visible changes. The medicine should not be started or stopped or taken in larger or lesser amounts without medical permission. Alcohol usage should be strictly stopped as it can tamper the effects of the medicine.

Symptoms of an allergy like swelling, rashes, breathing trouble, etc should be informed to the doctor immediately or if there are frequent mood swings, sleeping trouble, high level of activeness, mental conflicts etc. other side effects that should avail medical help immediately are increased blood pressure levels, skin sensitiveness, chills, excessive sweating, nausea, vomiting, loss of ability to co-ordinate, headache, loss of memory etc. other possible side effects are giddiness, a dryness in mouth, irregular bowel movements, vision related difficulties, weight fluctuations, etc.

The medicine is not recommended to women who are pregnant as it can harm the human fetus.

Effexor is a well known drug and at the same time it is widely considered as the best option for most of the strange diseases that you might come along. It is always advised to buy these drugs at CanAmerica Global , as you can save a lot of time and money.