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DNP – or Dinitrophenol – is a dirty word among bodybuilders and gurus. Bodybuilders to boost metabolism by 50% and raise body temperature by several degrees use this industrial chemical. When one considers the jitters and hot flashes that accompany ECA (ephedrine, caffeine, aspirin stack) use boost the metabolism only 3%, the true power of DNP begins to be realized.

Introduced by Dan Duchaine after initially being used as an explosive, DNP is popular in underground circles and highly banned in over-the-counter supplement. In high-level bodybuilding, DNP is used to help advanced athletes lose a lot of weight in a very short amount of time. Most trainers and bodybuilders publicly rally against it. However, when hundreds of thousands in winnings are on the line, it’s unknown how many athletes take the DNP route to lose fat fast.

Aside from increasing hunger and burning off a heck of a lot of body fat, DNP has a few negative side effects, which are probably better known than the good side effects. Brain damage and death can occur from the overheating. We all know that at a fever of 103 or 104, we run to the hospital because we wish to avoid brain damage. Well, DNP quickly raises your body temperature several degrees, and there isn’t a cap to how much of a rise in temperature this can be. Too much DNP, and you die. It’s that simple.

Cancer is another fear. DNP is a phenol, which means it releases a lot of free radicals into the body. The effects of these free radicals, the compounds that cause cancer, are unknown because there haven’t been a lot of studies done upon people using DNP, as its use is generally secretive.

The minor side effects of DNP are notable as well. Bodybuilders complain of sweating, discomfort, soreness, and insomnia. An odd side effect is yellow bodily fluids. Nobody knows quite why this occurs, or just how dangerous it is. We just know that people secrete yellow when taking DNP. Keep in mind that it was once used to ignite TNT. Some bodybuilders (about 10%) have allergic reactions making the drug unusable. Others find themselves eating out of control.

DNP is an unpredictable drug. For dieting purposes, ECA and Clenbuterol are far better bets in terms of risk/benefit analysis. DNP is a shortcut for quick losses in body fat – something that the intelligent bodybuilder avoids. Fat should be lost at a rate of 1-2 pounds per week, using tried-and-true safe methods. DNP is a dangerous shortcut that should be avoided by most.