Using CPAP Machines Without a Prescription

It might seem surprising to some that it's virtually impossible to get CPAP machines without a prescription as a motorized oxygen mask doesn't qualify to most as being on the same plane as actual medication, but it really is. If you're searching for a way to find and use any model of CPAP machines without a prescription there are some things you should consider first before going ahead with such a plan.

The first thing to think about is that it's true that you can purchase just about anything and everything online these days, and that includes items that by law shouldn't be sold or that legally require certain paperwork for you to purchase, such as prescription medications. Legally you must have a prescription from a doctor in order to purchase a CPAP machine but of course if you type " CPAP machines without a prescription" into your internet search engine you're going to get a wealth of options.

Any site that sells you a machine without a prescription is doing so illegally, and of course if you purchase such a machine without a prescription you are also doing something illegal.

The next thing that many people wonder about is why you can't get CPAP machines without a prescription. They're just oxygen, right? The reason for this is your own protection. CPAP machines are not usually dangerous but keep in mind that their function is to push air into your lungs on a continuous basis. Machines have certain pressure settings that need to be adjusted to your own particular needs, just as medications are taken in certain doses that are adjusted to each person individually.

Using CPAP machines without a prescription or further instruction from your doctor is like buying any prescription medication and just taking it blindly without any thought as to how much you need, how much is too much and therefore dangerous, and so on. The wrong pressure on your machine means you could damage your lungs and not enough pressure means the machine is ineffective.

So before you go ahead with your plans of shopping around for CPAP machines without a prescription, remember that a prescription is always issued for your protection. If you have any condition that warrants the use of a CPAP machine you should be under a doctor's care and supervision anyway, so make an appointment and get your condition taken care of properly!