ACTONEL: for bones stronger and healthier

The chemical name of Actonel is Risedronate sodium. It consists of a mixture of biphosphonates which helps in the strengthening of bones. It is used to treat or to prevent osteoporosis that might occur to women after menopause and also in men. Paget's disease is also treated using the medicine.

The medicine should be strictly used as prescribed by a doctor. The medicine should be swallowed along with a glass of plain water half an hour minimum before any sort of food, other medications or dietary supplements are taken. The patient should not lie down for half an hour and should sit or stand erect for at least half an hour after taking the medicine. Proper diet should be followed along with exercises to get complete benefit of the medicine. Sometimes the doctors may prescribe vitamin and calcium supplements to be taken along with the medicine if the patient is found deficient of them. The medicine is not recommended for people who are allergic to any ingredient of the medicine, if the patient suffers from any esophageal, kidney issues or if the patient suffers from a calcium or vitamin D deficiency.

The doctor should be informed immediately if the patient experiences pain while swallowing solid or liquid substances or if the skin shows intense sensitivity to heat or if there are signs of digestive problems. Dental issues are likely to happen to patients who have undergone treatments for cancer like chemotherapy, radiation etc. If any sort of disturbance is experienced in the gum, teeth etc, one should make it a point to inform the doctor.

It is unknown as to whether the medicine can harm a human fetus or if it is excreted through breast milk. Pregnant women, women who are planning to get pregnant and breast feeding mothers should inform the doctor about their condition before the treatment.

Actonel is a well known drug and at the same time it is widely considered as the best option for most of the strange diseases that you might come along. It is always advised to buy these drugs at a CanAmerica Global , as you can save a lot of time and money.