Stem cells: Hope for future

In the recent decade our medical science has made rapid progress. The horizon of research has expanded considerably. New areas of research are being dug. New medicines are being invented for diseases that were once considered incurable. Stem cell is such a new area where lot of research has been carried out of late.

Stem cell therapy has potential to dramatically change the treatment of human disease. Adult stem cell therapies are used to treat leukemia. Medical researchers are hopeful that technologies derived from stem cell research can be widely used to treat a large variety of diseases such as cancer, Parkinson's disease, Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, spinal cord injuries, multiple sclerosis, and muscle damage, to name a few.

There are some potentially life-saving stem cells found naturally in vital menstrual blood.Today we need to store menstrual blood .Normally considered impure such blood fluids are often discarded and are not considered worth storing. There is also lack of proper mechanism for the collection and preservation of such fluid.

One may also find it difficult to collect menstrual blood.In a conservative society, this is almost unimaginable to collect stem cells,not to speak of store menstrual blood or tocollect menstrual blood.

Thanks to Célle's revolutionary and path-breaking patent-pending technology, it is now quite easy and simple to store menstrual blood, to ?title=Collect_Menstrual_Blood" collect menstrual blood and also to collect stem cells. Now with the help of this new and innovative technology, you can easily store menstrual blood, collect menstrual blood, collect stem cells. Célle will provide you easy-to-use collection kit and you can easily collect, isolate and preserve vital menstrual blood samples from women.

Research suggests that apart from potential use by the donor, these stem cells can also be used by other family members who are genetically related to the lady. So parents, sibling or child of the donor may be benefited from the donation.

Célle's service gives women an opportunity to collect and preserve vital stem cells from the body's menstrual fluid during the menstrual cycle. Now they can easily construct their personal health care portfolio. Such a profile is comprised of precious and prolific menstrual stem cells. These cells may also differentiate into other types of stem cells including cardiac, bone, neural, fat and cartilage. Such personal portfolios of stem cells will serve as the foundation for many other customized regenerative therapies.