Preventing A Cold Sore - 5 Important Remedies You Need To Know About

The internet is swarming with products and home remedies that claim to heal and prevent cold sores. If you have ever suffered from a cold sore, you probably know all too well that that they tend to develop at the most inopportune times and are quite embarrassing, sending you desperately scrambling for a quick remedy that will cure a cold sore fast. Many home remedies and medications are helpful, however what works for one person may not be effective for someone else. One of the best techniques in tackling this problem is prevention. This article will provide you with 5 important tips to prevent cold sores.

Stock up on vitamins:

Take a good multivitamin every day. In addition, a daily supplement of L-lysine, the most studied and researched dietary supplement in association with cold sores has shown positive results in decreasing the recurrence of the cold sore virus.

Stay healthy and watch your diet:

The cold sore virus is often triggered during stress, colds, fevers, during menstruation, after exposure to the sun, or for no apparent reason. It is generally believed that anything that compromises the immune system can trigger a cold sore. Eating foods that have high concentrations of L-lysine will help reduce your chance of developing a cold sore during times that your immune system has been compromised. Some foods that are high in L-lysine include dairy products, chicken, beef, beets, apricots, avocado, apples, soybeans, and fish. On the flip-side, an amino acid called arginine has been found to increase the risk of developing of a cold sore. It is a good idea to limit your intake of foods containing arginine. Some foods with a high concentration of arginine include chocolate, nuts, almonds, walnuts, pecans, peanuts, seeds, seafood, peas, oranges, grapes, other fruits or berries; broccoli, carrots, and corn.

Protect your lips:

Exposure to the sun, wind, and cold are big contributors to cold sore flare-ups. Wear sunscreen when exposed to the sun and always carry a lip-balm that contains SPF. A good lip-balm to carry is Herpecin-L which contains L-lysine as well as an SPF. This will protect your lips whether exposure is related to sun, wind, or cold temperatures.

Toss the toothbrush:

Although the cold sore virus generally cannot live outside the body for a long period of time, numerous studies have shown that the virus can continue to live for more than a week in a toothbrush.

Get enough sleep:

Fatigue and stress weaken the immune system, triggering cold sores. Make sure you get enough sleep to keep the body from becoming run-down and vulnerable to attacks.

These are just a few simple precautions to take, however there are numerous other ways to protect yourself from an unsightly cold sore. But no matter how many safety precautions you take to protect yourself, remember there is no guarantee that you will not fall victim to a cold sore at some point. There are several home remedies and medications that will visibly heal a cold sore in as little as two days.