The new miracle in healthcare

Ever think of being the physician for your own body. Thanks to Célle's initiative, now every woman can create and store her precious healthcare profile for further treatment.

They can cash in on their monthly miracle. Your monthly miracle may now give you some vital clues about your future health care portfolio. Thanks to some radical innovations in modern medical science, now you can store your stem.

You can isolate menstrual blood and can preserve the same for future use. Menstrual blood storage is no longer a big issue and now has become quite convenient. For this you need to subscribe to the unique tools brought out only for you by the Célle's. And the foundation of mission is based on stem cells.

The tools to isolate menstrual bloodare easily affordable and you won't have to worry about menstrual blood storage once you havebecome a part of the Célle initiative. Célle's unique service gives the fair sex with an opportunity to collect and preserve vital stem cells that can be harvested from the body's menstrual fluid, normally discarded as unsanitary waste.

The Célle menstrual stem cell comes from the uterine lining (endometrium) that is shed as part of a woman's menstrual cycle. They are unique since these cells have characteristics similar to both bone marrow and embryonic stem cells. So, these stem cells hold promise for future use in clinical regenerative medical therapies.

The initiative is based on stem cells that are the genesis of human life. During the embryonic stage, a single stem cell is multiplied into hundreds of millions of stem cells. As the process of differentiation starts, these cells begin to transform into other cell types in the body such as heart, muscle, nerve, bone, etc. This process continues until the infant is born. After birth and throughout adult life, our bodies continue to produce stem cells that serve as a vital source of regeneration and repair throughout our lifetime.

In addition to treatment of breast cancer, stem cells have been used in the reconstruction of breast tissue after mastectomy and tumor removal. Stem cell therapy can also be used for treating leukemia. Preliminary research suggests that in addition to potential use by the donor, these stem cells may possibly be used as well to benefit other family members who are genetically related to the donor, such as a parent, sibling or child.

So become a proud part of the Célle initiative and make your mind to isolate menstrual blood for the betterment of your future. Your simple yes to Menstrual blood storage will do a wealth of good for you, your loved ones and for posterity.