Can You Cure Knee Pain?

If you have bad knees, you know what a pain they can be. From the mundane tasks of climbing the stairs to simply standing in line at the grocery store, aching knees can be a major annoyance at best. At its worse, knee pain can keep you from doing the things you love like exercising or playing with the children in your life. It may seem like the only option available to knee pain sufferers is to either grin and bear it, relying on prescription medications for pain relief, or opt for expensive surgery that may or may not solve the problem. It leaves many knee pain sufferers wondering, is there a cure for knee pain ?

Well, sadly, there is no overnight miracle cure for knee pain, but there are several simple things you can do to strengthen your knees and to help reduce or eliminate knee pain altogether. It will take some time and patience and some of the things may require some effort on your part if they are going to work.

The first thing I would suggest to cure knee pain is to start taking a joint health supplement like glucosamine right away. There are also some pretty amazing supplements out there that use fatty-acids to help build cartilage and lubricate your joints so that you are able to increase the amount of movement and reduce the amount of pain. This is my first suggestion because once you start feeling the effects of a good joint supplement it will make my other steps easier.

Once you’ve started taking a good joint health supplement, it’s vital to begin to exercise your knees. Start slowly, working with increasing your range of motion. If your knees are really bad, and you’ve already had a doctor threaten you with knee surgery, it’s likely that you have a very limited range of motion. Stretching is an excellent way to exercise your knees. As the muscles strengthen and elongate, your knee joints will be under less pressure and your pain will begin to subside. Gentle walking or swimming is an ideal way to begin to strengthen your legs. If you are overweight it is especially important to get moving. Your knees are load-bearing joints and they do a lot of work just even standing when you have some pounds to lose. Exercising may be the last thing you want to do if you have sore knees, but it is the best way to cure your knee pain in the long run. Wearing a knee brace or support bandage can help to stabilize your knees and prevent you from injuring them further.

Baby your knees. If you are taking the time to relax and stretch at the end of each day, your knees will spend the precious restorative hours of sleep to mend. Hot baths, frequent massage or soothing lotions or ointments are perfect ways to relax your knees. Put your feet up to increase circulation in your legs and take the needed time to unwind. Stress can aggravate knee pain and is not helpful if you are trying to cure your knee pain.

So, is there a cure for knee pain? Yes, in many ways. Of course there are some cases that cannot be repaired, but trying my suggestions can help.