The Right Vitamins And Minerals To Make You Blemish Free

Many people are living within bodies that are extremely deficient in vitamins and minerals that are not only important for a healthy body but are important for your acne and the treatment of acne. In case you weren't aware of this fact - your skin is the largest organ of your body and it requires proper nutrition to work properly and that includes dealing with your acne.

The best acne treatment is actually the prevention of acne. To do that you need the right mixture and right amount of vitamins and minerals that work as powerful antioxidants to flush out the toxins in your body that cause blemishes. Beyond fighting acne-causing bacteria, some of these vitamins can also promote clear skin by means such as decreasing inflammation and regulating the oil glands in your pores. Some of these vitamins for acne also work in other ways such as promoting immunity to certain diseases, but for many acne sufferers their main concern is the prevention of pimples, plain and simple. These vitamins and minerals not only give you a natural acne treatment, but they can keep your pores clean of toxins and actually heal damaged skin tissue.

Vitamin A is extremely important when it comes to acne treatment. Vitamin A takes the protective tissues of the skin and strengthens them which prevents acne and gives you clear skin. It aids in the reduction of sebum production which is a major cause of acne. Vitamin A is also a major vitamin in ridding the body of toxins which also cause acne. A deficiency in this vitamin actually will cause acne giving you the blemishes that you are trying so hard to avoid.

Then you have the Vitamin B complex vitamins that are made to maintain your healthy skin tone. They also work well in relieving your stress and anxiety that can promote acne breakouts. The B vitamins should always be taken together because they work to bring you all of your other essential vitamins and minerals such as Thiamine, Niacin, Riboflavin, Pyridoxine, Cyanocobalamin, and Panthothenic Acid which each has a specific role in promotion healthy skin and reducing acne to give you clear skin.

You also should be taking plenty of Vitamin C with bioflavonoids that is a super vitamin of sorts. It repairs the skin, including helping with the regrowth of tissue that protects against infection and enhances immunity. You need to take this vitamin at least three times a day at 1000 to 16000 mg to have an effect on acne, but if you do you will notice almost an immediate change to the amount of blemishes that you have.

Other vitamins that help with acne treatment and acne breakouts are Chromium, Zinc, as well as Vitamin E. These three work well together to reduce the infections on the skin as well as helping to prevent the scaring from acne. Vitamins and minerals really are essential to your entire body, not just your skin, but it sure is nice to watch those blemishes disappear as your body becomes healthier.