Acne Detox Cleanse

An acne detox cleanse is the process of cleansing the body of unhealthy chemicals and built-up toxins.  There are many ways to go about doing a detox cleanse, but they all yeild similar benefits: a healthier body and healthier skin.  If you are looking for an acne solution that treats the source of the problem rather than the symptom, a good detox cleanse is the way to go.

A detox cleanse works to cure acne by reducing the amount of acne-causing bacteria that reside within the body.  On a typical western diet of heavy processed foods, high-fructose corn syrup, preservatives, and pesticides, the body becomes bogged down with too many toxins, and the liver, kidneys, and digestive system just can't keep up.  Excess bacteria begins to accumulate inside the body because it is not able to expell the toxins as quickly as they are consumed.  This leads to symptoms like fatigue, weight gain, negative attitude, depression, low energy, and of course, ACNE.  An acne detox cleanse will not only alleviate your bad skin, but will also give you more energy, boost your metabolism, and create an all-around feeling of well-being!

A typical detox cleanse can last anywhere between 2-30 days.  During this time, certain foods are eliminated from the diet, water intake is increased, herbal supplements may be used, and laxatives may be used.  The method of detoxification really depends on what you are detoxing for and what your goals are.  For example, a nicotine detox plan might be to go 20 days without a cigarette in order to completely cleanse the nicotine from the body.

In order to completely detox for acne-causing bacteria, you can:1. Complete a 3-7 day juice fast, drinking only fresh, squeezed fruit and vegetable juice, or2. Go on a "raw food" diet for at least 30 days - eating only live fruits, veggies, nuts, and seeds.

An alternative to detoxing is to supplement the body with all the vitamins, minerals, and herbs it needs to give your system that extra boost it needs to cleanse itself out without actually changing your entire diet.  This works just as effectively, and while a detox will only work during the time period of the cleanse, supplements can be taken year-round to consistently keep your body in tip-top shape.