What is Asacol?

The generic name of Asacol is mesalamine. There are different brands of the same product. Lialda and Pentasa are two other brands. This medication is usually prescribed to treat ulcerative colitis, proctitis and proctosigmoiditis as it fights a substance in the body that causes inflammation, diarrhea and tissue damage.

Follow the medication guide and the doctor's directions while using the medicine. Always try to stick to the dosage specified by the doctor. Using Asacol for more than a period specified by the doctor might prove to be dangerous. This medication can be taken with or without food. Never break, crush or chew it. It should be taken as a whole with a full glass of water. The coating on the top of the tablet contains a special substance that protects your stomach and the medicine should be released only after reaching your stomach or intestine. So it should not be damaged by chewing or crushing.

Those who are allergic to mesalamine; aspirin or salicylates like disalcid, Doan's pills, dolobid, salflex, tricosal are not prescribed to use this medication. Tell you doctor if you have a history of kidney or liver disease, pyloric stenosis, congestive heart failure or an allergy to sulfasalazine. Though Asacol is proved to be safe for an unborn baby, it is better to consult your doctor before becoming pregnant or if you are pregnant. But it is harmful for a nursing baby as this drug can pass into breast milk. To prevent harmful effects nursing mothers are recommended not to use this medication.

The usual side effects caused by Asacol are allergies like hives; stomach pain; breathing trouble; swelling of your face, lips, tongue or throat. Bloody diarrhea, head ache, fever, cramping and severe stomach pain if occurs should be treated immediately.

Asacol 400mg tablets are capsules with reddish brown color. This medicine should not be used by those who do not have a prescription. It should be stored away from heat and moisture. It is advised to preserve this drug at room temperature. Over dose can cause fatal; effects. So never take two doses at a time. If you forget one doe take it as soon as you remember and skip that dose if you remember when it is time for the next dose.

To get positive results one should follow the restrictions on food, beverages and hectic work suggested by your doctor. Always try to take the dose at the same time every day and for the duration prescribed by your doctor.

Asacol is a well known drug and at the same time it is widely considered as the best option
for most of the strange diseases that you might come along. It is always advised to buy
these drugs at a CanAmerica Global , as you can save a lot of time and money.