Remove Skin Sun Spots - Easy Guide to Removing Sun Spots

The sun is a wonderful gift from nature but it can also be a curse to your precious skin. Sunlight is one of the best sources of Vitamin D and can even alleviate bad acne. However, it also contributes a lot to skin damage. Skin cancer, severe sunburn, dry skin, premature wrinkling, sun spots and discoloration are just some of the most common effects of overexposure to the sun. Sun spots are not only unappealing but they can also make you age ahead of time.

Sun spots are a devious condition. The effects of extreme exposure to the sun in your youth will not show up until you're probably 50, leading you to believe that it is okay to bare yourself to the sun anytime you want. The sunburns that you went through in the past years can take plenty of time before their effects are apparent on your skin, in the form of sun spots. These blemishes are caused directly by the outcome of pigment transformation. When the fatty acids and protein oxidize, there occurs pigment mutation.

There are plenty of methods available to remove skin sun spots. Techniques such as skin freezing, sanding, and laser surgery are just few of the most employed methods in eliminating skin sum spots. However, your dermatologist should be able to discuss to you openly the after effects of these techniques. These methods can initiate exterior damages to your skin which can possibly trigger skin inflammation and can even leave permanent scars. Laser removal involves lesser risk due to its speedy healing time but the price tag can be very steep.

Skin bleaching is perhaps the most popular treatment to remove skin sun spots. Bleaching of the skin is especially effective for people who have already fairer skin but it can cause irritation to people with darker complexion because of its active bleaching agent called hydroquinone. It is an intensifying agent which most skin bleaching products are rich of. Hydroquinone promotes hostile reactions in dark skin that is concentrated with melanin which could lead to more skin discoloration. The use of a bleaching product should be paired with the use of sunscreen since the sun can destroy the bleaching agent in the product.

Chemical peel and microdermabrasion are now extensively used to remove skin sun spots. Chemical peel utilizes a solution to strip off sun damaged skin. As a result, fresh and healthier skin can propagate again. Microdermabrasion utilizes delicate aluminium oxide spray to tenderly scrub your skin of damaged cells. Dead and injured skin is eliminated during the operation. Chemical peel is more effective in removing sun spots but microdermabrasion is less invasive.

There are other non-surgical therapies that are effective in wearing out skin sun spots. These include photofacial, thermage, over-the-counter topical treatments, and creams. Depending on the severity of your skin's condition, a combination of these treatments can cure the discoloration effectively. However, any expert would still tell you to avoid too much exposure in the sun despite the seemingly endless array of brown spots treatments. Evidently, prevention is still way better than any high technology cure available.