Plantar Wart Removal - Your Ultimate Guide

The skin infection that usually pop-out on the bottom of your feet brought by human papilloma virus (HPV) is what they call plantar wart. Human papilloma virus is known to be the cause of some severe diseases like cervical cancers. In order to get rid of plantar warts, especially the pain it delivers, as much as possible, it should have your immediate medical care.

There are many methods of treatment available for plantar wart removal. Some of those may leave a small scar, but happily, some may not. You can also choose to have the medication either in an expensive way or in a cheaper way. Most people love the natural way of plantar wart removal for the reason that the materials they will be having for the treatment can just be seen within their kitchens. Due to the fact that the natural remedies are cheaper, it is also proven to be safe and effective. It will not harm our skins and it will not leave any signs of scar.

Aside from the natural methods for plantar wart removal, there is also what they call cryotheraphy that involves freezing therapy and the applying of liquid nitrogen to the affected cells. But people that are using this kind of treatment may also feel slight discomfort when the actual process is being made, or people may still feel that pain for next couple of days.

For the persons who will have plantar warts in the future, this is one of the non-toxic step-by-step procedures for plantar wart removal.

a. First, you must wash your feet and dry it thoroughly using a clean towel or any clean cloth.

b. Shave the plantar wart down flat slightly and very carefully. Avoid shaving the non-infected parts of your foot. This second procedure should not draw even a drop of blood.

c. Have a small piece of duct tape according to the size of the plantar wart. Put it to the infected area thoroughly and carefully. Avoid covering with duct tape a large amount of the uninfected skin.

d. Leave the duct tape on your feet for merely ten days. If the duct tape looses within the said days, replace it with the new cut one.

e. When the tenth day came, remove the duct tape from your feet slightly. You will see that the infected area will be somewhat whitish. Then, soak your foot in warm water while you are also scrubbing the plantar wart with a scrubbing rock or with a toothbrush so it will remove the dead skin cells.

f. If you plantar wart still does not disappear after this treatment, repeat again the procedures from a-e until the plantar wart will be gone.

Always keep your feet clean and avoid borrowing things from those people who are already infected because plant warts are contagious. Sterilize your stuffs if needed.

Natural remedies may somewhat not be always successful if the plantar wart is deeply rooted. Regarding that case, consult immediately your physician. On the other hand, if you still allot your little time and put a lot of effort in curing your infection, it will magically be gone.