Hair Growth Advice - Reduce Consumption Of Processed Foods

Hair loss is a problem that many men and women suffer from. I suffered from hair loss for several years until I decided to do my own research and find a way to grow my hair back. One of the things that helped me to fight my hair loss was cutting down on the amount of processed foods that I ate.

Processed foods are foods that have been altered from their natural state. Often, this is done for convenience. Processed foods contain preservatives that help it to last longer than natural foods, which have not been altered. Some of the most popular methods of preserving foods are canning and packaging.

Canned foods (i.e. soup, meat, soft drinks) contain chemical additives which prevent the body from absorbing the nutrients that the foods contain. Some of these nutrients are helpful in promoting hair growth.

Packaged foods (i.e. cookies, chips) contain trans fat, a preservative that helps to increase the shelf life of food. Trans fats create a toxic environment in the body, and this makes it difficult for hair to grow.

A change that I made to my diet which helped me to grow my hair back was cutting my consumption of canned and packaged foods in half. Instead of having canned chicken soup as a part of my dinner, for example, I prepared stir-fried chicken and rice with fresh vegetables. By doing this, my body was able to absorb more of the nutrients present in the meat and vegetables. I also reduced my consumption of soda and began to drink fresh juice which I prepared with my juicer at home.

When I was at work, I loved to snack on cookies or chips during the late afternoon as an energy booster. I replaced those snacks with organic oatmeal cookies, yogurt and fresh fruit.

Another area in which I made a change to my diet was in the food that I consumed on the weekend. I generally went out after work on Friday night and also on Saturday night. Before heading back home early in the morning, my friends and I generally liked to grab a bite to eat. At that time, however, the only options that are usually available are the fast food restaurants that choose to stay open past midnight. Most fast food is heavily processed, and I used to eat more than my fair share of it.

The change that I made to my diet was I went from super-sizing all of the fast-food meals that I used to order to purchasing the regular size. This reduced the amount of processed food that I consumed every weekend, and on a monthly level, there was a considerable reduction in the amount of processed foods that I ate. I think fast food is something that everyone likes to have once in a while, and by eating the regular size meals, individuals can eat something that they enjoy and maintain their health at the same time.

After several months of reducing my consumption of processed foods and increasing the amount of healthy foods that I ate, I noticed that my energy levels throughout the day were higher and my hair was also starting to grow back. Areas of my scalp where my hair was thinning now sported thicker hair, and on areas of my scalp where I had lost all my hair, I could see slow but gradual hair growth.

As a result of changing my diet, my body was able to receive the nutrients that it needed in order to promote hair growth. These changes do not require a lot of time to implement; they simply require a strong desire to live a healthier lifestyle.