Top 5 Hair Loss Treatments For 2009

Today, there are a lot of hair loss products out in the market that claims it is the best treatment for hair loss. Though, there is not enough customer review or feedback to assume that it is really the best. To be able to know which are the top 5 best hair loss treatments that one can use a thorough research has been conducted and came with these results.

1. Provillus

This product has been made by Ultra Herbal. According to the research, it is able to restore dead hair follicles. The great thing about this product is that it is organic which means it is made out of natural ingredients. Its main function is to stop the elements that are causing hair loss. It has been said that so far there are no side effects.

It is a tablet that you take in daily or as instructed in the package. Not unlike other hair loss treatment where in you need to apply gels and creams which can be messy and time consuming.

You can buy this product over-the-counter so you do not have to wait after long lines just to get a prescription from your doctor. In addition, it does not only prevent hair loss but it also promotes growth of hair. But it does not claim that it is a wonder pill, results or changes can be observed after four to six months or regular intake.

2. Profollica

This product includes a shampoo, nutritional supplement and activator gel. The shampoo's function is to get rid of obstructions in the hair follicle. The activator gel works to rejuvenate the growth of the new hair and this is achieved by nourishing the damaged or dead hair follicles. Then the nutritional supplement tablets function to provide the nutrients needed to properly grow hair. The supplements are also used to elevate the blood flow into the hair follicles that will stimulate hair growth.

This product is also all-natural without having any artificial ingredients so it is very safe to use daily. The shampoo is used as a replacement for your normal shampoo then the activator gel massaged on the scalp after shampoo. Then the nutritional supplements are taken in everyday.

Profollica can also be used in permed or colored hair. Also it can be used with any other treated hair because it only works to nourish the hair and enhance hair follicles.

3. Propecia

This pill is said to be the first product to be used as a form of hair loss treatment. This product has been said to be used only by men and it has effectively helped in growing hair and maintaining it. It is significantly used to treat male pattern baldness.

This pill is taken everyday for several months and this is perfect for men who does not really spend so much time on applying gel and any other creams. In addition, it can also be taken any time of the day even before after meal. And there will be no big impact if you missed a day in taking in the pill.

The result or change can be seen after 12 months of using it. It has been reported that 90% percent of the people who used it have testified that the pill really worked.

4. Rogaine

This is a form of liquid that is applied on the scalp or in the area where the balding occurred. The main ingredient of this product works to elevate the flow of blood in the hair follicle where it is applied which will in turn promote hair growth. There are two kinds of this product one used by men and the other for women.

Unlike, other hair loss treatment creams or gels this solution does not require a lot of time in applying. It does not need to be rubbed in entirely in the balding area. It has been said that this solution effectively slows down loss of hair.

5. Procerin

This tablet is also used to treat male pattern baldness and when it was tested on women it has only a slight positive side effect. The test done showed that 80% of the men who used it were able to regain hair after using it for several months.

It works by preventing the chemical that is produced by the body which prevents the growth of hair. The tablet is taken on three times daily. Then after 6 to 8 months hair retention is much more visible.