Top Tips For Skin Tag Removal at Home

Skin tags are a minor annoyance to some and a major source of embarrassment for others. Depending on where your skin tags are and how you feel about your outward appearance, the presence of them can cause you to be reluctant to wear any type of summer outfit and even may have you avoiding the beach all together!

Skin tags are flaps of skin that stick out from your body. They can occur anywhere but usually are found around the armpits and neck which are prime areas for rubbing on clothing and jewelry. For this reason, skin tags can be more than just a cosmetic problem - the rubbing can cause pain and, in some cases, bleeding!

Of course, if you visit your doctor, he'll want to cut them off but this might be painful and could leave a scar. Luckily, there are a few methods of skin tag removal at home you might want to consider.

Now, you can cut them off yourself if you are brave enough. Some people find toenail clippers a good candidate for this job. Just be sure that you sterilize them and have plenty of hydrogen peroxide and some band aids handy.

If you aren't into inflicting pain on yourself, you might try binding the skin tag. This will cut off the blood flow and eventually the tag will die and fall off. It's not quite as painful as cutting it but could be a bit inconvenient. You can accomplish this by wrapping thread or even dental floss around the tag very tightly and leaving it on until it falls off.

If those methods don't appeal to you, then you can try some of the over the counter remedies for warts. Some people have good results with these although many of them may not be effective because warts are caused by a totally different problem than skin tags.

Another method of removing skin tags at home involves two things you might have right in your kitchen cabinets - castor oil and baking soda. This method might be a little messy, but it won't cause you any pain! You want to mix the baking soda and castor oil together to form a paste and apply it to the skin tag frequently throughout the day. Within two weeks, you should see your skin tag dry up and fall off.

One word of caution, you might want to be sure that what you have really is a skin tag before you go trying to cut it off. Skin tags are not harmful to your health but there are other skin problems that might be. A skin tag will never be more than ½ inch and are usually smaller. They are skin colored or a bit darker than skin color. If you really want to be certain, checking with your dermatologist is wise.

So, if you have skin tags and want to get rid of them quickly and in the privacy of your own home, you will want to explore the different methods of natural skin tag removal. Remember to look for something that is not painful and does not leave a scar.