Do Not Take Panadol! Why?

For knowledge, follow a true statement from a person who experienced it.

David worked as an IT engineer in a hospital, where the hospital is preparing a database for patients. He recognizes the doctor closely. The doctor told David, when a severe headache, he and his family are not willing to take Panadol or Paracetamol. On the other hand, they will find Chinese herbs or find another alternative.

This is because Panadol is toxic to the body. It damages the liver. According to the doctor, Panadol will reside in the body for at least 5 years. According to another, there was a stewardess eat too many Panadol during menstruation because of its need to stand up during the flight. She is now 30s, but had to undergo kidney treatment (dialysis) each month.

As the doctor said, because of the non-headache balance of electrons / ions in brain cells. As a treatment alternative, he proposed buying a bottle or 2 bottles of isotonic drinks, mix with drinking water at a rate of 1:1 or 1:2. Simply, a cup of isotonic with 2 cups of water to drink.

I have tried this method and found it effective. Another method is to soak feet in warm water containing besin. It will provide blood pressure down from your head. Panadol is a "painkiller", the more you take for longer time, the less effect on you. Means you need more doses when it is less effective.

We all will fall ill as we age is increasing. For women, they will experience the reproduction. Imagine they will be given a strong dose when forced through the birth process through surgery. If you take too many Panadol or Paracetamol during your life, such as those with migraine, it will be zero impact on the pain that you have and you need a stronger medication to relieve the pain. Are you willing to take strong drugs like morphine?

Appreciate your life. Think before easily inserting medication that "ordinary" into your mouth.