You Can Cure Pimples - Here's How

Curing pimples is one of those nightmare jobs for many teenages, who can be inundated with all sorts of lotions, gels, products and recipes.  What is best?

The cure for pimples can be something quite simple and often a “natural” cure that you may not have thoughts of, rather than the expensive medications that can be obtained so readily and that are advertised so widely.

First off, do you have oily or dry skin?   If you have a pimple problem it is more than likely that you have oily skin and so you need to ensure that you’re using the right skin creams or makeup for your skin condition.  Remember that your skin is doing a lot of 'work' during the average day and will have a lot of rain, salt, wind, sun and various contaminant thrown at it.  Give it a break!

Is it any wonder that the skin sometimes ‘throws up’ pimples or acne?

You should be drinking plenty of water and you can drink natural fruit juices like lemon juice or carrot juice to help your skin and remove impurities.  

Prevention is always better than cure.  Make sure that you’re also eating the right food.  Plenty of pimple problems can be directly attributed to poor diet so you need to avoid all that  fried food, fast food, food that does not have enough vitamins to get your daily dose.

You should also try and steam your face and open the pores so that you can avoid the infection that leads to pimples in the first place.

There are a wide variety of off-the-shelf creams and pills to “cure acne” or pimples, but you should try and stick with natural cures and good, healthy eating to avoid the problem.   Remember that your pimples are caused by bacteria clogging the skin pores and you need to remove the bacteria, which can be done using a variety of entirely natural, low cost vegetables and herbs and something as simple and readily available as ice.

You canapply  ice on the infected area, which can be very effective to reduce and eliminate pimples.  Hold an icepack on the area for 10 or 15 minutes.

There are other natural pastes, made from papaya and cinnamon, olive oil and aloe vera, all of which can be very effective in removing infection and pimples.  Also, herbs like fenugreek seed can be used to remove old skin and clean your skin and remove the risk of pimples (or pimples themselves).

Lemon juice or cucumber can be very good in not only cleaning the skin but helping to remove pimples, so mix that with water and dab it on the infected skin areas.  

Probably the most important and the most effective way to remove pimples is in fact a combination of ‘steaming’ the face (to open the pores) and then to apply one of the natural pastes or products mentioned above, and to then clean with warm, lemon (or lemon and rose water) to remove the bacteria and give your skin the cleansing treatment it deserves.