Learn the Benefits of Krill Oil

Krill are little shrimp like creatures that are crustaceans. they are on the bottom of the food chain and whales eat them in mass quantities. They have many health benefits to humans when taken as a supplement. They are a rich source of Omega-3 fatty acids and are very easily absorbed into the body. Krill oil has much more nutrients than Fish oil. In Fish oil Omega-3 fatty acids are present as DHA and EPA in triglycerides, where Krill oil they are present as phospholipids. This what makes them so much easier to be absorbed by the body.

Krill oil can reduce the risk of heart attacks as well. It keeps the levels of cholesterol at a healthy level by reducing the amount of bad cholesterol. The anti-inflammatory properties it has are also very good for your cardiovascular health in general. Krill oil can also lower blood sugar levels too.

There are a lot of antioxidants in Krill oil too. The antioxidant properties of Krill oil are 40 times greater than that of Fish oil. Free radicals cause aging, cancer, and other problems. The antioxidant found in Krill Oil is known as Astaxanthin. The antioxidant can protect you from the sun's damage, cancer, aging, and other health risks.

Astaxanthin is a cartenoid, it belongs to the same family as cartene. It is the stuff that makes carrots orange and it makes Astaxanthin orange too. It is also a better antioxidant than vitamin E as well. Astaxanthin keeps the krill oil from spoiling because of the antioxidants. keeping the Krill oil in the refrigerator will keep its shelf life longer.

Krill oil can be very helpful for depression and other mood or personality disorders. It has positive effects on the brains function. The Omega-3 acids that are in it are crucial for brain function and because Krill oil is absorbed so easily it takes just 2 hours to start noticing the positive effects of the oil. It can help with Premenstrual tension and dysmenorrheal and ADHD too because of the great benefits to brain function. It is excellent for memory as well. People with OCD, schizophrenia, and bipolar disease can benefit from Krill oil too.

Taking Krill oil can also help you lose weight. The Omega-3 fatty acids in Krill oil stimulate the storage of glucose to be stored in the muscles as glycogen, while at the same time diverting fatty acids away from the fat synthesis and oxidative pathways. It uses them as fuel instead of depositing them as fat.

Alternative Health Supplements offers a product called Krill Oil Rx. A lot of people use this product for the same reasons that a person would use fish oil, flax oil or other omega-3 fatty acids. But unlike fish oil, krill oil does not cause any burping or after taste in the mouth. People can use this product for many things like skin care, inflammation, lowering cholesterol, lowering blood sugar, asthma, menstrual relief, rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia, and gastritis. It will also help you protect your brain, eyes, and nervous system from the damages of free radicals.