The Truth About A Neck Spasm Headache

There are many different kinds of headaches, varying in severity. However, the most common type of headache is a tension headache, also known as a muscle contraction headache. These types of headaches are caused by spasms and tensions of muscles in the neck and shoulders, making "neck spasm headache" an accurate description of a tension headache.

While tension headaches are extremely common (sixty percent of people in a study claimed to experience one or more tension headaches in a week), they are difficult to diagnose and treat. It is important to understand the various ways that a neck spasm headache can be treated so that, if you suffer from these painful headaches, you can decide on the method of treatment that best fits your individual lifestyle and condition.

What Causes a Neck Spasm Headache?

A neck spasm headache or tension headache is caused by muscle spasms in the neck and shoulders that irritate nerves in the head. The irritated nerves generally produce pain at the scalp and base of the skull. You might be wondering what causes muscle spasms. Well, there is a wide range of causes for muscle spasms and they vary greatly in severity. One cause of muscle spasms leading to a neck spasm headache is a rear end motor vehicle accident.

This is one of the more serious causes of a muscle spasm. Such an accident places a large amount of force on the neck, and the muscles located in the neck tighten in response to the pressure. The neck muscles can remain in spasm long after other injuries have healed, and this is why a neck spasm headache resulting from a car accident many become chronic.

Less serious causes of the muscle spasms in the neck that could lead to a neck spasm headache include situations where the neck or spine may be held in one position for too long, such as when you sleep in a chair, work at a computer, or drive for a long period of time.

Treatment of a Neck Spasm Headache

There are several different methods used to treat a neck spasm headache. One of the more common ways is manipulative therapy, which usually reduces the muscle spasms and will return normal motion to the spine. Manipulative therapy is often performed by quickly stretching the muscles. However, other methods of manipulative therapy, such as "counter-strain" also exist. Manipulative therapy is a great treatment option for those patients who do not want to take medication.