Hemorrhoid Treatments To Help Your Painful Piles

Hemorrhoids, both internal and external hemorrhoids should be treated aggressively before they worsen. It is thought that hemorrhoids never improve with time, they only worsen and so treatment and prevention is the key to the management of these tiny little aggravations.

So if you have been "afflicted" like so many other Americans what can you do? What are the best treatment options available so that you can get relief from the pain and risks of hemorrhoids?

After a thorough assessment and diagnostic workup, the treatment of hemorrhoids is the next step in the plan to find relief from hemorrhoids. The initial treatment of hemorrhoids is aimed at relieving symptoms and most initial treatments are ones that you can implement on your own.

Although medications and surgical intervention may ultimately be the treatment required for the management of your hemorrhoids, all non-invasive treatment options should be attempted first before taking that route. Self-care is an easy first step and is usually sufficient to treat hemorrhoids.

In order to avoid the development of further hemorrhoids or to avoid aggravating those hemorrhoids currently present it is important to follow the same steps that you would follow if trying to prevent the development of hemorrhoids in the first place.

Lifestyle changes such as drinking plenty of water, eating a sufficient amount of fiber rich food, getting an adequate amount of exercise, avoiding a sedentary lifestyle, avoiding laxatives, except the bulk-forming laxatives such as Metamucil, and avoiding postponing or straining with a bowel movement are all fairly easy to implement with practice.

Sitting in a bath of plain, warm water 10-15 minutes three or four times a day, thoroughly cleaning the rectal area following each bowel movement by either gentle patting or with a moist towelette or even a baby wipe and using ice packs or a cold compress can all help treat hemorrhoids.

Medications can also be used in the treatment of hemorrhoids. Medications such as Tylenol®, Motrin® and Aspirin have all proven to be effective in providing relief from the pain and inflammation of hemorrhoids. Your healthcare provider may also suggest that you use over the counter medications such as hemorrhoid creams containing witch hazel or hydrocortisone.

The witch hazel can provide a cooling and soothing feeling to the irritated area while the hydrocortisone cream can help to reduce pain and itching. Other topical medications and hemorrhoid suppositories work as lubricants to reduce the irritation and friction of hemorrhoids. Containing ingredients such as lanolin, glycerin, and cocoa butter these topical medications usually provide relief to most sufferers.

Other more invasive treatments for hemorrhoids include rubber band ligation (a rubber band is placed around the base of the hemorrhoid inside the rectum, cutting off circulation which results in the hemorrhoid withering away within a week to ten days), sclerotherapy (a chemical solution is injected around the blood vessel causing the hemorrhoid to shrink), infrared coagulation (a special device is used to actually burn away the hemorrhoidal tissue), and hemorrhoidectomy (surgical removal of severe internal or external hemorrhoids).

Painful piles... hemorrhoids... there is no need to keep suffering with this irritating, aggravating condition. Once a diagnosis is confirmed then talk with your physician to determine the best course of treatment for you.