Which Genital Warts Cream to Use

If you have been diagnosed with genital warts, getting treatment should be your number one priority. The good thing is that treatment will help you remove those warts. Genital warts cream will help eliminate the warts, this will prevent cancer of the genitals at a later stage. The bad news is that the virus which causes these warts may not be completely eliminated. This means you will have to go for regular check ups if you have had a genital warts infection.

You must rememebr that even if you have had treatment for genital warts, there are chances that they may recur. The type of therapy changes if the warts keep coming. A genital warts cream is used if you have a infection the first time and if the warts are small in size. The creams are not recommended if you are pregnant, if they are recurring or if the warts are large in size.

Genital warts cream is available on the prescription of a qualified medical practitioner. You must only use a cream recommended by your doctor. Don't try out over the counter medications and those sold on the internet. Using creams sold online and over the counter creams is a very risky proposition. If you have any doubts about the contents of the creams , you are better off not using it. These creams are known to cause a lot of irritation and inflammation of the sensitive genital skin. You might even get a bacterial infection due to the damage caused by such creams.

Your doctor will be the best person to prescribe an effetive genital warts cream. You will probably have to go to the doctor for the first apllications. This will ensure that the genital warts cream is applied only on the warts and not on the surrounding skin. Before you use such creams you must also ask about the side effects these might have.

The genital warts cream which is most frequently prescribed is aldara. This cream is made up of an agent which boosts the body's immune mechanism and helps fight the virus. Another genital warts cream which can be used is condylox. The ingredients ion this cream destroy the genital wart tissue. This cream is very effective and reduces the rate of recurrence to a large extent.You must be careful if you are pregnant. Most genital warts creams cannot be used if you are pregnant. They are not meant for internal application either. In some cases your docotr might recommend tricholoroacetic acid treatment. This involves the application of the acid on the warts to burn them off.

A new genital warts cream available is podofin. This is a podophyllum resin which should be topically applied under the guidance of a qualified medical practitioner. Efudex is a medication which may be recommended for long term use. This cream has many side effects and it should be administered only by a doctor. If you are using any of the creams mentioned above you should abstain from sexual intercourse as the creams can weaken latex condoms and diaphragms.