Can Herbs Treat Acne?

Having acne can cause a major dent in your self-confidence. Acne can severely disfigure your face, and make you look so horrible you would never want to face another human being ever again. Quite a lot of people with acne suffer from confidence problems, and relationship problems.

There are many commercially prepared medications designed to treat acne. There are also many herbal preparations that seem to guarantee getting you acne-free. People have different opinions about these so-called natural remedies, however. Some say herbs have done wonders to their skin; others say the herbal medicines have worked for a while, but the acne resurfaced after some time, and some others claim they have found no improvement in their skin at all.

What may be closer to the truth about these herbal products is that they may serve to improve your body's immunity to certain diseases, but many of them may work only temporarily in treating acne. Probably, this is because these herbal products relieve only the symptoms of acne and do not really target the root cause why the acne develops in the first place, and that is hormonal imbalance.

Accordingly, the kind of food you eat affects the balance among the hormones in your body. Thus, if you want to treat acne, you may need to employ some modifications in your eating habits. It has been said that vegetable oil can cause hormonal imbalance. If so, try using healthier alternatives to vegetable oil and watch your skin clearing up in due time.

Some other Herbal Treatment you can try for your acne problem:

Treat Acne with Licorice Root: Licorice root contains natural anti-inflammatory agents that can help reduce the inflammation of the skin. When used regularly, it could lessen the swelling associated with acne.

Acne and Basil leaves: The infusion made from basil leaves can be used as an effective acne treatment. Just boil 4 tablespoons of dried basil leaves in 1 cup of water. Steep for 10 to 20 minutes. Apply it on the affected areas after it has cooled down.

Aloe Vera Treatment: Aloe Vera juice extracts promote healing and prevent skin infections. Split the Aloe Vera leaf in half. Apply the juice by rubbing it directly to the skin. Aloe Vera is also an incomparable skin cleanser.

Lemon for Acne: Clean the face by applying lemon juice with cotton ball. The acid in lemon flushes out the dirt in the pores and leaves the skin fresh and clean. Use the steam clean method and help loosen dirt and oil. Bring the lemon juice to boil and then put towel over the head and trap steam. After that, wipe out excess oil and dirt on the skin with cotton balls.

One important thing in treating acne is to understand what causes it. If you treat only the symptoms with herbs or other acne medicines without dealing with the root cause itself, your acne will recur again and again. It will be an endless cycle, and it can get pretty frustrating.