Immediate Press Release!

Ainsworth Moore, Regional Outreach Coordinator, has recently expanded his business with National Benefit Builders, Inc. to include fund-raising for non-profit organizations.

Ainsworth has been a Distributor of the USA Drug Discount card for 2 1/2 years and has provided free discount prescription drug cards to individuals, social service agencies, health clinics, hospitals, and more.

The cards save people on average 15% on their brand name prescription drugs, and 55% on generics.

The free program is made available through NBBI's outreach program, Community Assistance Program. The discount card program saved consumers over $35 million last year alone.

Community Assistance Program is an outreach program of National Benefit Builders Inc. It was set up in response to the many requests NBBI gets for assistance to the needy. NBBI is a for-profit company, established in 1994, with anA+rating from the Better Business Bureau. NBBI provides discount health, dental, vision and prescription products to the general public.

It has become well-known that NBBI offers free discount RX cards. Rather than having the staff at NBBI fielding questions and sending out these cards, Community Assistance Program (CAP) was established just to take care of these requests. CAP distributes the discount cards to as many needy people as possible. All CAP does is distribute free cards, answer questions about how to use them, help people compare drug prices if they don't have internet access, and help people find the pharmacies with the best prices on the RX they need.

CAP also chooses several large organizations per year that it assists in fundraising using the RX cards. CAP never charges for any of these outreach services.

Free cards are available to anyone who pays full price for his medications on a regular basis.

Contact Ainsworth at 888-372-9743 for your free physical card today or go to !