Remedy That Toothache - What Are Some Common Toothache Remedies?

Toothaches are a pain, no matter when or how you got it. As soon as a toothache hits you find yourself beginning the search for something to remedy that toothache. You can choose over the counter products and all natural products. You can seek professional help form your dentist as well. A remedy can be as unique as the toothache. Depending on where you are, and your personal preference you can find a remedy to suit your needs.

Over The Counter Remedies ( these are remedies you can purchase from your local drug store from the pharmacist or store shelf)

Ibuprofen. This pain reliever, anti inflammatory combination pill can help alleviate the pain associated with toothaches as well as bring down the swelling.

Tylenol. This provides pain relief, it doesn't reduce swelling though.

Oragel. This topical numbing gel can be applied directly to the teeth and gums to provide relief from the pain of a toothache.

Home Remedies ( these are simple remedies you should be able to apply from home, or with common household items)

Ice. Place an ice pack against the affect tooth to bring down swelling of the gum and the area surrounding the tooth.

A bowlful of cherries, or a tall glass of cherry juice. Cherries have proven anti-inflammatory chemicals within them, so the next time a toothache takes a bite out of you take a bite out of it with some cherries.

Mix a pinch of pepper with some clove oil and place it on the tooth for relief from toothaches and cavities.

Use some vanilla extract soaked into a cotton ball on the affected tooth. Rub the vanilla extract ( make sure it is real vanilla extract and not the artificial or imitation) into the tooth and leave it there. The bonus to this one is it smells great so you won't have pepper breath or onion breath.

Chew on a clove of garlic, the antiseptic properties of garlic work to kill bacteria that may be causing the toothache as well as minimizing your pain.

Remedies to toothaches can be found everywhere. You just need to do your research and find out what works best for you and your specific type of toothache. Above all though, if you cannot relieve your toothache or if it does not go away be sure to seek proper dental care to get down to the cause of the pain and eliminate it for good. No one wants to live in pain, so do what you can to minimize your pain and remedy it till you can seek the proper dental attention for your toothache.

There are certain remedies out there that do provide long term relief of pain. There is a solution that has been on the market for about 8 years. This solution provides instant relief, it cures for the short term as well as the long term. It helps with bleeding and irritated infected gums. It reverses minor symptoms of gum disease. If you want to learn more, just click on the link below and you will be directed a site where you can find all the remedies you need to cure your toothache.