Botox Keeps Your Youthfulness Intact

Botox, the cosmetic form of Botulinum toxin, is a popular non-surgical injection prescribed  for diminishing or reducing frown lines, crows feet near the eyes, forehead creases, thick bands on the neck and other related problems. The treatment is very helpful in blocking the nerve impulses as well as temporarily paralyzing the muscles lead to wrinkles; thus provide a refreshed and more attractive look to the skin. In addition to the aforesaid problems, Botox injection is also prescribed for the treatment of migraine headaches, excessive sweating, muscle spasms in the neck and eyes and various other problems.

It is one of the unique and widely used non-surgical treatments that will give your face a younger and more revitalized look. Dosage of the Botox is also prescribed in different strengths depending on the problem. However, for frown lines the prescribed dose of the treatment is 20 to 25 units; while for crow feet it is prescribed 12 units per eye. Patient suffering from the aforesaid problems can buy Botox as it offers sustained relief dose after dose. According to treatment specialists, first treatment of the injection lasts for up to four months. Basically, the treatment of this injection is prescribed for three times in a year.

Today, because of the successful results, now everyone prefers to buy Botox. It is a fact that Botox injection is highly popular treatment prescribed for various facial problems. It is the impact of  popularity of Botox injection that numerous pharmacies have now come up with an idea of selling it via internet. Therefore, if you don't have time to go to the medical shop, you can buy Botox online by simply placing your order at any selected online store.

Like other cosmetic treatments, it may also cause to mild to moderate side effects like rashes or burning sensation in and around the injected area, nausea, muscle weakness and others. However, its related side effects are common that last for a very short span of time. If any of the side effect last for some more time, you should consult with your doctor as soon as possible. Apart from this, if you are allergic to any of the ingredients used in the formulation of Botox, then you should avoid using it.