Fever no More! Make Your Remedy

Having a normal fever is your body's signal that it needs some break and tuning up. Headaches and muscle pain can be felt during the fever that is why it is always recommended to have an adequate rest with medications. Modern day remedies would tell you to pop a pill then the fever would go away. This is not necessarily true since some would have an allergic reaction with the synthetic ingredients used in the pill. There are more alternative ways on alleviating the symptoms of the fever without visiting your physician or drugstore.

Drinking a lot of fluids is very helpful in regulating your temperature and replacing the fluids that was lost from the infection. It is best to drink water every after hour. Drinking juices that are rich in Vitamin C is also helpful. It is not recommended to eat a lot of solid and hard to digest food to anyone with a higher than normal temperature. It is best recommended to stick to eating a lot of fruits, clear soups, light solids like grilled fish, boiled chicken, and vegetables.

An ample amount of rest and relaxation is very vital for your body's recovery. Having a fast paced and stressful lifestyle will take a toll on your body. It would send you a signal to slow down through raising its temperature above normal. Refrain from doing tedious and heavy labor while your body is recovering, instead, have plenty of sleep since our body experiences muscle stress whenever we lack sleep.

Having a short five-minute cool bath would help lower your body temperature down. If a water bath is not possible, have a cool sponge bath instead.

Drinking herbal teas can also help alleviating your body temperature. Teas usually have a diuretic effect. The more you drink teas, the more you release fluids from your body, the more your body temperature would lower down.

Here are some natural remedies that you can do at home.

1. Eat some hearty chicken soup.

2. Mix a cup of water with a cup of vinegar. Dip a hand towel into the mixture, squeeze, and then apply on the patient's forehead for a few minutes.

3. Have some slices of a potato and put them on the forehead for a few minutes.

4. Have a soaked hand towel on warm water, squeeze, then apply to the forehead for a few minutes.

5. Have a warm cup of chamomile tea.

6. Take a lukewarm shower. Make sure that the water is not too hot since you want to lower down the temperature.

7. In a tub of hot water, add a few drops of vinegar, get into the tub and relax for a few minutes.

8. Boil a ginger root then put the ginger water to a cup and then drink it up.

9. Have some green tea several times a day.

10. Get some freshly squeezed guava juice, warm it up and drink the juice.

Other good remedies you can make at home:

• Have a warm bath to get the fever down. You can also add some relaxing aromatic oils to make your body more relaxed.

• Slice 1 large potato and put on the forehead to get the fever down.

• Tea is always a good remedy. You can make chamomile tea, green tea, cinnamon tea, and more.

• Vinegar is also very effective cure for fever. Fill up a tub with water and some vinegar and stay in for a while to get the fever down and for relaxation.

• Apply apple cider vinegar on your back and massage well, put a cloth or warm shirt on to keep the area warm.

• Chicken soup is the best remedy for common cold; it helps to get the fever down and opens the nasals.

• A warm towel on the forehead is a good remedy for fever.

• Artichoke is tasty and an affective treatment when you are sick and suffer from high fever. Boil a pot with water and add the artichokes. Cook until the artichokes and soft enough and eat the bottom of the leaves.