Uncover The Signs Show You Might Have Yeast Infection

Many people believe that they might have a yeast infection, also known as candidiasis, and try to solve the problem all by themselves using over the counter medication. But in truth yeast infection can be easily confused with other medical ailments. So what should you look for as signs that you could have yeast infection? It's a difficult question. Medical studies show that much of the diagnoses of this medical problem that are made actually mistake symptoms of infection by bacteria (such as discharge from the vagina) as an indication of the yeast infection. They then go on to confuse skin infection with Candida which can be mixed up with bacterial intertrigo and flexural psoriasis simply because these problems display similar signs of lesions and rashes.

However it is essential to uncover the truth to avoid medical problems because you neglected the real cause. You need to get at least basic information on the nature of candidiasis, its origins and its effect on you if you want to avoid a bad diagnosis and treatment errors.

When the immune system and the beneficial microbes in the intestine combine to manage the candida microorganism, there is no danger to your body. But when Candida get out of control they can cause serious havoc to your body. There are several types of the Candida fungus which are responsible for yeast infections. Surprisingly, Candida is quite normally found in small amounts anyway in the body where it lives in places like the folds of the skin, the vagina, rectum, the gut and so on. The things that may trigger a yeast infection are:

1. The elimination of beneficial microbes because of antibiotics that kill them or because of mental stress

2. An immune system that no longer functions correctly (an essential component in the fight against Candida)

3. Poor feeding, bad diet plans and an intake of food that stimulates the over growth of Candida inside your body

Candida can circulate all over your body in conditions of overgrowth. It can generate signs of yeast infection both locally and systemically. The reason for this is that Candida in the guts develops roots that hook into the intestine and penetrate into the blood circulation.

Knowing how to make a preliminary diagnosis of candidiasis is essential in order to avoid confusing these indications with those of other problems concerning skin and bacterial infections. Know how to recognize signs at a systemic level including tiredness, abnormal craving for sugar and white flour, allergies, sinus problems, and blurring of vision etc. Local signs should also be noted like it itching and burning sensations, discharge from the genitals and other bacterial style infections.

Do a simple test at home to find out if your condition is severe or not. The test runs for one hour but you only need to look at the results once every fifteen minutes. First thing in the morning before you do anything else take a glass of water and spit saliva into it. If you see strings developing inside the water you may have a candida yeast infection. If your saliva sinks to the bottom of the glass you may have a severe Candida infection.

If you ignore this problem it may degenerate into severe systemic infection. As well as being a painful and threatening condition, it also weakens the human body and may even be fatal. Any diagnosis of candidiasis must be treated immediately and effectively to stop such potentially disastrous complications.

It is the holistic approach with its unique combination of modifications to diet and lifestyle which will be of the most benefit, managing your stress and using vitamin and mineral supplements to reinforce your immune system as well as getting rid of toxins and cleansing. Did anyone tell you that this therapy can now help you and remedy and prevent yeast infection safely and permanently? This holistic treatment brings you a solution which is all-natural to the problem of yeast infection to treat not only the symptoms but also for the long term to eliminate the underlying causes.