Improving the Looks with Rhinoplasty and more

Is anyone really pleased completely with the way they look? I've never met anyone who is. If you've ever spent time in ladies restrooms you know about the silly things we obsess about. Is my butt too fat? Are my lips too small? I hate my nose and my teeth! My chin looks like Jay Leno's! All these things and more are uttered under the breath of women peering into restrooms from the age of puberty till well beyond menopause. To men, these things seem crazy, petty or just plain stupid. To women, these "imperfections" are all we see when we look in the mirror. It causes us to take hits to the self esteem with every glance in the mirror or every time we pass a picture window and see our reflections. It's a serious matter.

What can be done to stop this constant obsessing? Improving the self confidence is a great way to help ourselves feel better. But if we can't accept the way we look and learn to like it, there's not much of a chance of improving our self confidence. Many of us consider plastic surgery as a way to change the way we feel about ourselves. While many disagree with cosmetic procedures, it is effective.

Dr. Calvert, a leading cosmetic surgeon Los Angeles, has a profound respect for the aesthetics of the face, breasts and body. He completely understands the psychological affects of being disapproving of your own looks. He can help.

Rhinoplasty, one of the most popular cosmetic procedures available, requires a specialist. The nose can be reshaped to be thinner, non-bulbous, wider, flatter, fuller, longer, shorter, straighter or any combination in between. Sinus problems, deviated septum and more can also be cured with rhinoplasty. The healing time is about four to six weeks. When the wait is over and you finally view your new nose, it's a stunning transformation. Changing your nose can alter the appearance of your entire face. Many times the cheekbones look higher and more pronounced; the eyes more dominant and beautiful, the face more symmetrical and the lips fuller and more pleasing. When a good rhinoplasty is performed, it can change a woman's outlook on life.

Breast Augmentation is another life altering cosmetic procedure. Breast reconstructive surgery gives women who have survived cancer and its treatments a piece of themselves back. The nipple and areola can even be replaced. For those who just want bigger, perkier or differently shaped breasts, breast augmentation can do that for you. Implants can change much more than a woman's breasts. They learn to stand up straight and take pride in their appearance. They dress differently, walk differently and sometimes even have the confidence to take charge of other areas of their lives that hold them back.

To learn about breast augmentation and to see before and after pictures, go to / .