IP6 Cancer Research

IP6 cancer research is incredibly exciting, yet still preliminarily. In the laboratory, IP6 has shown unbelievable results as scientists try to decipher the exact mechanisms by which our bodies become ravaged by the uncontrolled growth of tumors.

IP6 (Inositol Hexaphosphate) has shown itself to have the unique ability to stop tumor growth cold. IP6 literally can cause deadly tumors to revert back into normal, healthy cells. Never had tumors been dealt with so effectively on a microscopic level like this before IP6. Generally, researchers try to kill or cut away tumors, but IP6 actually returned the cell division process to normal once it had already gone out of whack to produce cancer. This is incredible.

Unfortunately, it was only in the laboratory. In mice and test tubes. This is why IP6 can't be touted as a cure for cancer, yet. Test tubes and mice are not people and results have a bothersome habit of not translating. The history of cancer research is littered with failures that initially looked promising in the test tube.

IP6 seems to be different from those previous disappointments though. The mechanism by which IP6 works is so integral to the cell division process that discovering the effects of IP6 was really the discovery of an important piece of the cancer puzzle.

IP6 has never shown adverse side effects or any level of toxicity, unlike conventional cancer treatments. Therefore, it's easy to conclude that the potential benefits of IP6 outweigh any potential risks even if the performance of IP6 in people isn't proven.

IP6 can also prevent tumors. In the laboratory, experiments were run that showed rats given IP6 were spared from getting a lot of tumors that rats not given IP6 got. IP6 worked as an important part of the rat's immune system and stopped the tumor growth before it even started.

IP6 was given to a large group of rats then cancer-causing agents were purposely put into their environment. The rats not getting IP6 developed twice as many tumors. Those tumors were bigger too.

Rats getting IP6 had 66% smaller tumors than those not getting IP6. The treated rats only had a 10% chance of developing a tumor, the untreated rats got sick at four times that rate.

IP6 has also attacked tumor cells in test tubes, reversed the broken-down cell division process, and turned those cells back into healthy, functioning cells. At best, cancer treatments hope to rid the body of the deadly tumor. Surgery cuts it out, chemotherapy and radiation kill it. Until IP6, nothing was ever shown to REVERSE the course of the tumor's growth.

If this process can be further harnessed and demonstrated beyond the laboratory, the discovery of IP6 will someday be a landmark in the history of cancer treatment and prevention.

IP6 is found in many foods that are considered healthy and part of an anti-cancer diet plan. Click here for a list In fact, researchers speculate that it's mostly the IP6, not necessarily the fiber, which makes these foods cancer-preventing ones. This helps explain why studies of whether high-fiber diets will prevent cancer have fluctuated. It's probably not the fiber, but rather the IP6 preventing cancer. Not all high fiber foods contain high levels of IP6.

Eating enough IP6 as part of a healthy diet is difficult since IP6 is water soluble and must be replenished daily. Plus, the heavily process and milled foods of today unfortunately strip much of the naturally occurring IP6 away. Supplementation is easy, cheap and has not shown to have any negative effects.

Take IP6 supplements on an empty stomach for best absorption. The only expressed concern with IP6 was that it might bind to certain proteins and minerals during digestion and flush them out of the body, leading to deficits. This has shown over the long run not to be a problem. A way to alleviate the concern completely is to take IP6 supplements on an empty stomach.

IP6 cancer research shows much promise but needs to be built upon. All the research done so far is credible and has been published in peer-reviewed medical journals. The scientist who discovered IP6, Dr. AbulKalam M. Shamsuddin, MD. PhD, is a distinguished researcher at the University of Maryland Medical Center and is known as a man of great integrity. His results have been duplicated world wide.