Plant Medicine provides Effective Remedy for Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids can occur in men and women equally. They are more common as people become older, affecting a quarter or half of the adult population. Complications related to hemorrhoids include stenosis, bleeding, infection, recurrence, nonhealing wounds, and fistula formation. Urinary retention is directly related to the anesthetic technique used and to the perioperative fluids administered. Limiting fluids and the routine use of local anesthesia can reduce urinary retention to less than 5%. Accurately classifying a patient's symptoms and the relation of the symptoms to internal and external hemorrhoids is important.

Internal hemorrhoid symptoms often respond to increased fiber and liquid intake and to avoidance of straining and prolonged toilet sitting. Nonoperative therapy works well for symptoms that persist despite the use of conservative therapy. Procedure for prolapsing hemorrhoids is an alternative for treating internal hemorrhoids that have not been amenable to conservative or nonoperative approaches. Short-term and medium-term results are excellent. Patients with minimal external tags and large internal hemorrhoids are easily treated with PPH and skin tag excision. Operative resection is sometimes required to control the symptoms of internal hemorrhoids.

External hemorrhoid symptoms are generally divided into problems with acute thrombosis and hygiene/skin tag complaints. The former respond well to office excision, while operative resection is reserved for the latter. Remember that therapy is directed solely at the symptoms, not at aesthetics. When performed well, operative hemorrhoidectomy should have a 2%-5% recurrence rate. Nonoperative techniques, such as rubber band ligation, produce recurrence rates of 30%-50% within 5-10 years. However, these recurrences can usually be addressed with further nonoperative treatments. Long-term results from PPH are unavailable at this time.

The major controversies regarding the treatment of hemorrhoids center on the indications for treatment and the choice of operative versus nonoperative therapy. Most experienced surgeons are using office-based nonoperative therapies and are relying less on operative hemorrhoidectomy than they previously were. In the United States, rubber band ligation is the mainstay of conservative treatment. PPH, which has been gaining increasing favor in the United States, provides an excellent alternative to operative hemorrhoidectomy for patients with minimal external disease and large internal hemorrhoids.

The most common recommendation for prevention of hemorrhoids would be to obtain adequate fibre in the diet and to avoid straining for defaecation. Some discussions in the alternative health literature refer to nutritional approaches to hemorrhoids. But this is far from a guarantee of no hemorrhoids. The effectiveness of medicinal plants for creating a cure for hemorrhoids and other ailments has been recognized and documented in historical texts. There is now a new renaissance in plant medicinefor hemorrhoids. This is even more important because modern medicine has not been able to provide effective remedies for many ailments.

In the past, people looked up to the success of modern biomedicine and believed that infectious diseases had been almost eliminated and the rest can be controlled by immunity and antibiotics. However, it is found that malignant bacterias present apparent drug resistant ability and acclimation ability. Old infectious diseases reactivate again and even outbreak seriously. Some unknown deathful viruses in the past emerge; what's more, factors such modern life style, communications, environments and so on increase the possibility of transmission of viruses. Health of animals and human has been under serious threat.

Natural drug is taken from plants, mineral and their products, and preserves nature and bioactivity of various structural constitution. These substances are components of living organisms on the earth and necessary to maintain ecological balance. At the same time, they are useful, harmless and most easily accepted exogenetic essential materials that are selected and left by human and animal's long-term practice. In addition, before these substances are applied to body, profitless factors to organisms are wiped off by natural processing method created by the ancient in order to keep their purity. To learn more, please go to .