Treating a Cold Sore During 3 Main Stages of Your Cold Sores

Are you currently treating a cold sore? Using the right treatment at the correct time can save you a lot of grief. In this article we cover the best way of treating a cold sore at all three primary stages.

Cold sores interrupt your life in a big way. Having and treating a cold sore is no fun. And often these sores will last three to four weeks.

Treating a cold sore correctly can shorten the suffering time by 50% or more. That definitely is worth your effort and time.

There are several distinct stages of cold sores but they all fall within these three primary stages for treatment purposes.

Let's take a look.


One of the bad things about the herpes simplex virus is that it lives and does its damage in your nerves. That is why cold sores are so painful.

Usually the herpes virus is asleep in the root cells of your facial nerves. When it becomes active, the virus must travel up that nerve to the surface for replication.

Yes - you can actually feel this virus movement.

It will cause a tingling or itching sensation at the surface target area. Your oral herpes outbreak is now only several hours to a couple days away.

The minute you feel this warning sign, get something cold on it. Ice or a cold can will work. Keep treating a cold sore with this method as often as possible.

This will slow down - or even stop - many outbreaks.

Also, this would be the perfect time to start taking supplements of the amino acid lysine. Normally a safe dosage during an outbreak is 2000 to 4000 milligrams.


You know the herpes virus has reached the surface and entered the cells there when you see the telltale swelling and painful pimple-like bumps.

The creation of new virus causes the cells to expand - and eventually burst.

Ice is still a very good way of treating a cold sore at this stage. It reduces pain and swelling to some degree. Also, you may wish to use your usual pain and fever reducing medicine.

Better than common ice, try wetting some tea bags and freezing them. Using these in place of ice will supply the area with healing nutrients found in tea.

Putting garlic oil on the area is also an excellent way of treating a cold sore now. Garlic has the unique ability to travel right through the skin to the infection.

Use fresh cut or crushed garlic cloves for optimum results.


Once the cells are full of new herpes virus, they burst open. The virus is still active but will not do much more damage. You are now in the healing stage which may take up to two weeks.

Stop using ice at this point.

It may feel good but it drives away healing blood. Use warm compresses now to bring more blood to the area and greatly speed healing.

The best way to apply heat is to use tea bags warmed up in hot water. Do not use a microwave to heat the tea bag directly. Microwave radiation will reduce its healing nutrients.

You should also continue treating a cold sore with garlic and lysine as mentioned previously. And you should be cleansing the wound with peroxide as often as possible.

For the cleansing process, use cotton balls or paper towels - then throw away.


The herpes simplex virus is extremely contagious. It is primarily passed on through touch or kissing. Treating a cold sore carelessly can spread it to other spots on your face or body.

Remember - when you create a new infection site, it will be a lifetime site for additional cold sores. Do not touch your sores with your bare fingers - wash your hands as much as possible.

Also, if your sores are very painful, you can use pain-relief numbing agents such as lidocaine or benzocaine. Store bought cold sore treatment salves often offer this benefit.

Treating a cold sore quickly and correctly is not difficult as you now know. The best part is getting rid of your cold sore fast and getting back your social life.

But, it is very important to prevent further difficulties by continually cleansing the sore and your hands while treating a cold sore.