UTI treatment Tips for Pregnant Women

The UTI infection is a common phenomenon during pregnancy. Several women get inflected with the disease due to shorter urethra. However, the infection can show severe consequences, if you avoid proper treatment.

You can avoid the occurrence of UTI by taking certain precautions during pregnancy.

1. You should drink sufficient water throughout the day. Water helps in flushing out the microbial syndromes from the human body.

2. You can also drink cranberry juice to ward off the disease. Ideally, you should drink 100% pure cranberry juice which is a bit sour. However, if you can't bear its taste, then you can purchase a capsule or tablet which cures the urinary infections.

3. You should clean your urinary system regularly. You should empty the bladder completely during the urinary secretion.

4. You should empty your bladder after the sexual intercourse to avoid contact with the infectious bacterium.

5. You should avoid wearing tight fitting clothes during the pregnancy.

However, if you still get inflicted with UTI, then you can treat the urinary infections with help of given below tips.

1. Firstly, you should know the symptoms of urinary infections. The symptoms include painful urine secretion, blood in urine, abdomen cramps, mild or severe fear, pain in bladder and pain during sexual intercourse.

2. You should get yourself diagnosed as soon as you notice the symptoms ofUTI. The urinary infection can damage your kidneys, if you don't get adequate treatment from the disease. It can also lead to early labor or low birth rates during adverse cases.

3. Your doctor can also ask you to undergo an antibiotic treatment to cure the disease. He will make sure to subscribe an oral antibiotic that doesn't harm you or your baby during the pregnancy.

Hence, a proper treatment of the UTI by a medical practitioner can ensure safe and normal delivery of your infant.