How to Get Six Pack Abs Without Crunches - 3 Ways To Get Your Abs More Defined

Obtaining six pack abs is something that us all want, ideally by doing nothing, but the fact is that it takes some work from your behalf.

There are a couple of exercises that you can do instead of crunches, there are additionally some things that you need to be aware of too as these exercises themselves will get you no-where.

What Your Body Needs

To get six pack abs you should first eat and drink right, cut down on taking sugars, eat more veggies than fruit, eat fish to get your necessary fish oils. You already know that junk food and sweets are unhealthy for you so eat less of those, there's nothing wrong with eating at restaurants on a special event but try to stick to quality foods at other occasions.

Get LOTS of water, I got my first six pack at summertime in the midst of a heat wave, I obviously had to drink more water and got my abs defined in the process. drink at least about 8 or more drinking glasses a day, that means large glasses.

Do Cardio

You already know that you must do cardio but just how much? It will depend on your goals.

if you are trying to shed extra pounds then 30 minutes of high intensity cardio done early in the early morning is a great idea.

If you are trying to grow muscle then 10 minutes are enough, minimize it to 3 times a week.

The Crunch Substitutes

There are a lot of exercises that you can carry out to obtain your six pack abs.

My favourite is the hanging leg raise, you hang like you are going to do pullups but actually you raise your legs, if you can't raise fully extended legs than bend them, this will make the exercise quite a bit easier but sooner or later you'll want to be able to do this exercise with extended legs.

You can in addition , do isometrics, this means you contract your ab muscles REALLY hard for a few seconds, I think you're supposed to do 3 sets, every one 10 seconds. I actually don't know if this will get results because I never did this myself, I know that it builds strength.

Crunches themselves are an exercise that is tough to do on a floor, some folks claim that they can develop back problems and really should only be done by beginners for the first 6 months.