Hard Erection - Get a Harder Erection Naturally

If you want a hard erection but you don't want to use prescription drugs, then the good news is you can get a harder erection naturally, with the proven herbs enclosed...

Before we look at the herbs, let's look at some common issues that cause erection problems.

Fatigue, stress and lack of energy are common causes, you just feel to tired for sex. Lack of testosterone, is another cause and this is of course the key male sex hormone.

Blood circulation is a common problem it simply is sluggish and causes numerous health problems and it's vital for male libido. If you consider that as soon as you become aroused, your heart beats faster and blood has to be pumped to the genitals - weak blood circulation equals low sex drive.

When the blood reaches the penis it needs to be let in. Nitric oxide needs to be realized in the blood vessels, to allow them to expand enoug,h to allow the increased blood flow in and the end result is an erection.

If you lack nitric oxide, you won't get an erection let alone a hard one!

So let's look at some herbs, that if taken together for a few weeks, are proven to give you a harder erection naturally.

Horny Goat Weed

This herb will naturally enhance testosterone and nitric oxide levels in the body and it also works to reduce stress and give the body an energy boost.


Not well known in the west but legendary in China. It works to enhance nitric oxide levels and also acts a blood circulatory tonic pumping blood to the extremities and the penis.

Ginkgo Biloba

Ginkgo Biloba improves blood flow and oxygen throughout the body, while its anti-oxidant action helps protect the blood vessels, and reduce arteriosclerotic lesions. It also enhance the half-life of the endothelium relaxation factor which plays a key role in a man getting a hard erection.


Niacin helps to improve circulation in the body by, relaxing arteries and veins and also works on a cellular level to keep the digestive tract, skin and nerves healthy.

Tongkat Ali

Enhances free testosterone and decreases SHBG levels. Both effects assist a mans erection ability, performance and overall sex drive. Studies have also shown that Tongakat Ali plays a crucial role in sperm health by increasing sperm count, size and motility.

Tribulus Terrestris

This herb is taken by serious athletes and is known to increase energy levels in the body, aids muscle strength and recovery time, as well as enhancing testosterone levels.

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