Causes of Low Libido in Men

Loss of libido seems to be proportionate with age, meaningas men age the desire for sexual interaction seems to fade or decline. Age however, is not the only or primary factor in declining libido in males, there are several others including stress, anxiety, medications, poor health and many others. So what can be done to increase sexual desire?

One of the biggest causes of having low sexual desire is being obese and out of shape. Being overweight can cause you to become fatigue quickly and also cause issues with low self-esteem. When you are not happy with the way you look or feel, nothing seems desirable including sex. The way to deal with this is the good old fashion way, EXERCISE. You would be amazed how good you will feel and the amount of spare energy you would have if you start working out 30-45 minutes a day. Not only will you feel great, you will look good and sexually appealing to other.

Another cause for low libido is stress. People spend way too much worrying about this that or the other thing. I can’t seem to remember the exact statistic, but something like people spend 80% o their time worrying about things that never happen. My remedy for this is simple, worry only about the things you can control, leave the rest up to god and take up an activity which helps you coup with stress. Personally I like to drum, bagging on drums on those stressful days is an excellent way to relieve tension and maintain my sanity.

Medication is another cause for low libido in males. It’s true that medication is generally good and at times necessary, but keep in mind that any medication you take carries certain side effects which can have a negative impact on your sex drive. Should you experience a dip in your sex drive after starting a new medication, consult your physician right away. Also ask your doctor about natural supplements which can help treat your particular condition. You would be surprise to know how many conditions can be treated with natural herbal supplements and yet your doctor never tells you about them.

The biggest cause of declining sexual drive in males is the declining level of Testosteronein the body. Testosterone is the hormone responsible for many of the functions of male body including muscle development, creating healthy strong bone structure as well as development of the male sexual organs and of course your sex drive. As the testosterone level drops in the body, so does the desire for sex and intimacy. Fortunately, there are several natural supplements on the market which can help you increase testosterone production naturally .