SizeGenetics Review - Best Male Enhancement?

This SizeGenetics review should provide you with enough information to make up your own mind about whether or not it's the best male enhancement product.

If you're a man aged between 21-60 lacking in size, this is for you.

But let me start off by saying that the SizeGenetics Device does not come cheap. There is one very good reason for that : It works.

What is SizeGenetics?

It's a traction device to increase both the length and the girth of the member without the need for surgery. The device has been clinically proven, and doctor approved, so it's completely safe to use, unlike some of the male enhancement pills on the market today.

The biggest problem with traction devices to date is that they are uncomfortable and have to be worn for long periods to have any great effect. This device is no different in that respect, but what puts this one above the others is that SizeGenetics have developed a unique comfort mechanism to make it easy to wear for longer.

How Much Can I Expect To Gain?

Most users have reported gains of up to 3 inches in length and 1 inch around the girth. The general opinion is that this device is indeed much more comfortable than most other extender devices.

SizeGenetics Review - How Does It Work?

It works along the same principles as those used by cultures around the world. The most obvious examples are the elongated neck in Burmese culture, and the ear lobe and lip extensions in african tribes.

Medically explained, this means that the tissue that holds blood during erection, called the Copora Cavernosa, is where the traction is targeted, to separate and split the cells. When cells split, new and healthy cells are generated, and the result is a lengthening of the targeted area. It also straightens out bends. (penile curvature)

What You Get With The SizeGenetics System :

  • SizeGenetics extender with instructional DVD
  • Online access to PenisHealth members area
  • Better Sex Guide DVD
  • Free lifetime membership to Lovecentria

There are many more bonuses, too many to mention in this article, but more importantly, the device is guaranteed to increase your size within four months. The system comes with a full six months money back guarantee.

In Conclusion

If you really feel that male enhancement is necessary for you then this is the type of method you should seriously consider. There is no magic pill to make you bigger overnight. And although being bigger does not directly make you a better lover, the increased confidence you will experience will undoubtedly improve your performance in the bedroom.