Fitness Blog

Fitnness tips Health and diet tips, info, advice, plus resources. Articles range in topics from Aerobics, Exercise, Muscles, Toning, Sress to Varicose Veins! All geared to advise you on common health issues we face in today's hectic, fast-food, fast-paced lifestyles. Beneficial to everyone. Four playground favorites you can use as a personal GYM . A very common dilemma is the time factor. However, if you think long and hard you will likely find you do have some time -- if you give up something else, such as that one hour soap opera you tape everyday. Eat adequate amounts of fat(15-percent) and carbohydrates (55-percent). Protein should make up 30-percent of your Weight train intensely three or four times a week, no longer than one hour per session. Limit your cardio workouts for maximum muscle gains. Sleep! Shoot for eight to ten hours a night. Drink loads of water. Get physically active. Your activity doesn't have to be organized or continuous -- 10 minutes of walking and 20 minutes of housework truly do add up.  By accumulating just 30 minutes of activity a day, you slow or stop the loss of function that comes with a sedentary lifestyle. You also increase your chances of living longer and improving your quality of life. Try incorporating some basic stretching exercises into your regular workout for increased flexibility and a more complete fitness regimen. Yoga is also an excellent way to maintain your flexibility. Yoga is highly recommended to all! Even those who suffer the pain of arthritis can benefit from a gentle yoga program.

Exercise and application produce order in our affairs, health of body, cheerfulness of mind, and these make us precious to our friends.

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