Herbal Sex Pills - Six of the Best to Increase and Enhance Your Libido!

Can herbal sex pills cure a low libido or do you have to resort to prescription drugs? The answer is some do work and they can increase your libido but you must know the best ones to take and you must make some simple lifestyle changes.

The body has an immense capacity to heal itself if, it is given the right fuel and your libido is no different - put the right things into your body and you can enjoy a higher sex drive.

The Basics First!

Here is the basic platform you need to get your body in good working order so herbal sex pills can work and we will cover 6 of the best in a moment but basics first:

If you think you can smoke and drink heavily and take recreational drugs and not affect your sex drive think again. Cut down or even better stop.

You also need to have a good balanced healthy diet and include plenty of lean meat, fish, vegetables and fruit. When consuming food try and eat as "naturally from the earth" as possible and avoid processed foods.

You need to get some exercise! Even if it's a brisk walk or taking the stairs instead of the elevator - you need to get 30 minutes at least 3 times a week. It doesn't have to be heavy duty, just enough to up your pulse above normal.

Now you have built the base, its time to get some PROVEN herbal sex pills that can help you.

There are 3 areas you need to cover for maximum sexual wellness.

This means different supplements for different areas - there is no one pill does all.

1. Increase nitric oxide

This chemical is critical in the erection process, as it allows the vessels of the arteries to relax and sufficient blood to flow into the penis.

Nitric oxide production naturally declines with age and many men who suffer low sex drive, simply need to up their levels.

There are two excellent supplements for this:

L'arginine -this non essential amino acid is produced by the body - but it declines with age so get it as a supplement - it is medically proven to produce nitric oxide.

Another excellent source is Cnidium seeds which have been used in Asia for centuries as a sexual tonic.

They are one of the most effective natural remedies to increase sexual potency, boost libido and treat impotence. It works just like prescription drugs, to increase nitric oxide and inhibit PDE-5 - which enables an erection to be maintained for longer period of time.

2. Reduce Stress and lift Mood

Here you can use the time trusted Chinese herbs Ginseng and Ginkgo Biloba.

They act as overall body tonics lifting mood and making us feel more alive and keeping stress at bay - stress can kill your sex drive and kill you, if it gets out of hand.

Dealing with stress, is one of the best ways to get your libido back on track.

3. Testosterone

To get your testosterone levels up use mucuna pruriens.

This is medically proven to stimulate the release of growth hormone in humans. The high levels of l-dopa in the mucuna seed are converted to dopamine which stimulates the pituitary gland to realize more L-dopa and dopamine. They are also effective inhibitors of prolactin. Increased levels of prolactin are considered responsible for up to 80% of erection failure in males.

Another great natural libido enhancer is horny goat weed.

Not only is it believed to stimulate testosterone production, it also lifts mood reduces stress and helps with nitric oxide production.

Putting it Altogether

If you cover the above areas and you are in good health, you will probably see a strong increase in sex drive and libido.

There are other supplements - but the above cocktail will hit all the important areas.

When buying herbal sex pills make sure you know what's in them and there produced under licensed conditions today, many cheap pills have flooded in from china and India and most don't always contain what they claim!

Today there are plenty of safe herbal sex pills, that combine a number of great libido boosters in one pill - so, put the basics in place, take them and see your sex drive soar!