There is a very famous myth about masturbation in male that one will turn impotent if he masturbates regularly. But as people hardly express their views about masturbation, they are often ignorant about the facts regarding the act. They normally are confused between the facts and the myths.

Masturbation is actually the stimulation of the sexual organs usually by a person himself to obtain an orgasm. It can also be done by partners on each other. But the term is more commonly used for self provided sexual pleasure. Masturbation is mostly done by hand. But some also use instruments like vibrators and dildoes for the same purpose.

Many argue that Masturbation has all negative effects. And it’s very harmful. According to certain religious practices and beliefs, Masturbation is harmful and it makes a man weak. This is the biggest myth surrounding the act. On the contrary, the fact is that Masturbation is a healthy practice that releases sexual energy. Other myths surrounding the act are that it reduces virility by making the semen less thick thereby reducing the chances of a man to bear children. This is contradictory to the fact. Actually, Masturbation does not cause any loss of strength or virility in a person.

Masturbation does not cause any health hazard. Hence it is not an unhealthy habit. However, it may be mentally unhealthy if it assumes obsessive proportions and the individual is unable to think of anything else.

Sometime Masturbation is more satisfying than the real sex act. During Masturbation, an individual is in control of his own movements and can maximize the pleasure according to his needs.

Masturbation is the safest and best way to get to know how your sexual body works. You can learn what turns you on and what doesn’t. You can learn how to give yourself sexual pleasure within a limited time.

Masturbation is very helpful while dealing with Insomnia. It is because of several reasons like the hormones and endorphins release following orgasm, the benefits of clearing the head and the mini cardio workout. Masturbation helps one get to sleep without pills.

The inexperienced adolescents fear about turning impotent if they practice Masturbation. But the fact is that Masturbation has nothing to do with Impotence. The unaware people always get worried about the impractical aftereffects of the act. This leads to stress and diseases related to that. And people declare those diseases as an outcome of Masturbation.

Many people at lower educational levels apparently stop masturbating at some time in late adolescence because they consider all sexual practices other than coitus to be childish, improper, unhealthy and even immoral. Only the better-educated adults in our society seem to take full advantage of the possibilities of Masturbation.