Low Libido Causes - Zinc Deficiency a Common Cause of Low Libido

Many men suffer low libido and many of the ones who have it, have a zinc deficiency and you may think this humble mineral is not important but it's vital for healthy libido and sex drive here's why...

Why is it so vital?

Zinc is an essential mineral and is needed for the production of the key hormone testosterone. It has a huge influence on your sex drive

Zinc content of the prostate gland and sperm is higher than in any other body tissues and helps regulate prostate fluid. Zinc not only helps produce testosterone, but also helps to maintain semen volume, keeping sperm healthy and regulating sex drive.

A deficiency of zinc is associated with numerous sexual problems, including sperm abnormalities and prostate disease. A deficiency of zinc, means your prostate is not in proper working order, and without a healthy prostate, you simply can't have a full and healthy sex life.

Here are foods that are rich in zinc:

Get plenty of fish and shell fish such as oysters are fantastic (no wonder legendary lover Casanova consumed 50 a day for breakfast!) lean red and white meat, oatmeal, cashews and milk. If you are vegetarian you are more likely to suffer from a deficiency, so make sure you get supplementation.

In terms of sex drive you are what you eat and if you don't give your body the right fuel you will end up with low libido another common deficiency is in Selenium which occurs naturally in foods - but with an onus on quick, refined meals, selenium content in many foods is negligible.

Why is this one so important?

Selenium is good for sperm motility and mobility; in fact, nearly 50% of the selenium of a man is in the testes and seminal ducts and men lose selenium in their semen. Getting enough selenium is therefore vital for peak sexual health.

Think About This !

We have touched on just two everyday foods which can lead to a low libido and today many people simply don't get healthy diets so it's worth looking at the simple causes first. If you take herbal sex pills, many of the herbs contained, will be rich in nutrients that today's diets lack and can give you a great natural boost of goodness and libido enhancing fuel.

So before you think you lack testosterone or have other complicated problems - remember you are what you eat! Zinc deficiency is a common cause of low libido so - feed your body the right fuel and your low libido go and your sexual desire will return.