Sex in Old Age

What about old age? Are we doomed to suffer in silence at the onslaught of the aging process which many believe is responsible for sexual decline in the later years? Or can we still enjoy sex regardless of our age?

Although changes in sexual drive are common as one ages and the desire for intercourse may decrease, experts say sex remains an important part of our system and can still be enjoyed by the elderly in the absence of disease and with the right frame of mind.

In shirt, there is no reason to abandon sex just because you are old. There is, however, every reason to pursue it for it has made many elderly couples happy.

Just how much sex can an old person take? Experts say the possibilities are endless, especially if one is in good health. Consider the examples below taken from The Book of Lists #3 by Amy Wallace, David Wallechinsky and Irving Wallace.

King Louis XIV of France remained an active lover until his death at 77. On the other hand, French novelist Victor Hugo supposedly made out with a 27-year-old laundress when he was 70. His diary in 1885 when he was 83, records at least eight sexual acts - the last one made six weeks before his death.

Philosopher Bertrand Russell reportedly had an affair with the wife of a Cambridge lecturer in his 70s and married for the fourth time at the age of 88, while Charlie Chaplin fathered his last two children in his 70s. These examples prove that there is no age at which a person cannot enjoy sex.

"Elderly people who are in relatively good health are depriving themselves of a gift of nature if they fail to take advantage of their own sexuality. It is possible to continue an active sex life indefinitely," according to Dr. Ruth Westheimer, America's most trusted sex therapist in her Guide to Good Sex.

"People need to think about their sexuality at any age. If you put some thought into your sex life in later years, it can make those years more pleasant for yourself and for your partner," she concluded.

If your partner has a diminished sex drive, help her recover with Fematril, a safe and natural female sexual enhancer that can stimulate your mind and body. For details, go to