Repair Libido Naturally - Increasing Your Libido With Simple Proven Tips

Your sexual health is a reflection of your overall health and here are some common causes of low libido and how with some simple tips you can repair it in a few weeks, obtain better health and healthy sex drive...

First let's start with an obvious statement - your body is a reflection of what you put into it! Feed it with the right fuel and you will nejoy good overall health and libido and feed it with the wrong fuel and your health and libido will suffer.

Let's look at some fuels that destroy libido.

Sex Drive Killers

Smoking drinking and recreational drugs are libido killers - if you want a higher sex drive cut down or give up now. If you are over weight and eat lots of processed foods these will create health problems and sap libido as well - move to a healthy diet full of lean protein and fresh vegetables and fruit and save refined and fatty foods for treats only.

Not lets look at some healing herbs - which can repair your health.

Common Causes of Low Libido Are:

A lack of nitric oxide, the key chemical which allows you to get an erection.

Lack of this chemical is a common cause of impotence. If you don't get enough nitric oxide you will simply fail to get an erection. Why? Because this is the chemical which allows the blood vessels leading to penis to expand and allow enough blood in to create an erection - If you don't have enough if it, you wont get an erection. It declines as you age so supplementation is essential.

You also need plenty of testosterone, it's the key male hormone and its vital. You also need strong blood circulation - you need blood pumped strongly to the genitals. Strong blood flow is a key part of sex drive and many people suffer from poor circulation.

You can of course take prescription drugs but these do NOT repair libido!

All they do is allow you to get an erection and do nothing for sex drive, the nautral feeling of arousal which makes sex so beautiful. These drugs simply target the blood flow into the penis nothing else and with no desire many users feel unsatisfied.

To create sex drive you need to combat the common causes above as well as increase energy and mood.

You will on a mental level not have strong sexual desire if you are stressed, tired or fatigued. Your body will use what little energy it has at its disposal for other matters and sex drive does not figure high on its to do list!

Repairing Your Libido With the RIGHT Fuel

For centuries in the cultures of China and India for example, the way to cure libido and sex drive problems has been to cure the whole body and your sex drive will return - this is common sense.

Proven Herbs that work!

-You can cure low nitric oxide levels with the herbs - Cnidium and Horny Goat Weed

-You can increase testosterone levels with the herbs - Mucuna Pruriens and Tongkat Ali

- You can improve blood circulation with - Cnidium, Ginkgo Biboa, Ginseng and Cistanche Bark

- You can increase energy and reduce stress with - Horny Goat Weed, Maca and Tribulus Terrestris

This potent cocktail is an example of how natural herbs can enhance overall health and sexual health at the same time. Today, herbal sex pills are being produced with herbs like the above and many more to help repair libido and increase overall health.

The above is a common sense plan which is simply based on the simple logic - you are what you eat so, make sure you give your body the right fuel.