How to Grow Your Penis - Natural Techniques to Enlarge Your Penis

Do you desperately want to learn how to grow your penis and discover how to make your penis bigger naturally? Having abelow average sizepenis can not only be emotionally scarring but can have an devastating impact on your love life.

Ask a women if size is important and chances are they will sneakingly remark "size isn't important"but behind closed doors it is one of themost spoken about topics with womenwhen discussing their partners and their sex life.

Before you opt in to purchase pills, surgery or other risky devices I want you to know that you can learnhow to grow your penis naturallyusing exercises from the comfort of your home.

Learning how to grow your penis techniques and methods have been around for thousands of years. Many cultures around the world placed tremendous importance on penis size even more so than society today.

These exercises were passed down from father to son.  Most western cultures wereunaware of these exercisesand with the push for costly surgery and profits off pills, devices and other gimmicks it's no surprise.

The first step for understanding how to grow you penis naturally is to know that almost all man can get anywhere from1-4 inches increasein length using natural techniques!

Sounds too good to be true?Well it's not if you understand how to force your penis to grow naturally.

Because your penis is made up of soft tissue called theCorpus Cavernosum, the amount of blood that it can hold will determine your penis size.

Toincrease the size of your penisyou must first increase the amount of blood your penis can hold within the Corpus Cavernosum.  By expanding this tissue and forcing more blood into your penis, overtime your penis will grow and become longer, thicker inboth a flaccid and erect state.

The exercise is calledJelqing. Jelqing has been used for centuries and it is a technique that is used daily to get more blood into your penis and expand the Corpus Cavernosum.

It doesn't take long for results to be seen, most men report anincrease in length and girth within the first 4 weeks. Anyone can learn how to make their penis grow naturally!

When performed safely, Jelqing is extremely effective. Thousands of men around the word have made Jelqing part of their daily lives and have a bigger penis from only20-30 minutesworth of exercise per day.

Jelqing is only one part of the equation. Discover how to grow your penis naturally by getting step by step instructions and techniques to make your penis larger naturally within weeks!