How to Make Your Penis Bigger - Natural Ways To Get A Bigger Penis

Looking for ways to learnhow to make your penis biggeris nothing to be embarrassed about! In fact, regardless of size most guys would love to be able to make their penis bigger, let's face it we are talking about our manhood here.

The harsh reality is that most women will tell you "it's not the size, it's what you do with it"but let's be honest, once they are around their friends one of the most common questions is how big is he?  Size isn't everything but it is definitely aBIGpart of the equation.

Discovering how to make your penis bigger is whatalmost all menwant to know!

Before you consider opting forrisky and expensive surgery, pills or temporary penis size enhancements I want you to know that making your penis bigger naturally is a reality.

Having an under-developed penis is only temporary if you understand how the exercises to make your penis bigger work!

How to Make Your Penis Bigger Exercises

Step 1.One of the most important things you need to know to learn how to make your penis bigger is to understand that your penis size is directly related to how much blood your penis can hold in theCorpus Cavernosum.  This is the soft tissue of your penis that fills up with blood.  With penis exercises you can permanently force more blood into the Corpus Cavernosum, the result?A bigger flaccid and erect penis.

Step 2.Two exercises that are used daily to dramatically increase not only penis length but girth arePC Muscle Flexexercises and a technique calledJelqing.  The PC Muscle is the muscle used when you start and stop urinating.  Making your PC muscle stronger will lead to bigger erections.

Jelqinghas been used for thousands of years by many cultures around the world. Fathers passed on Jelqing techniques to their sons to teach them how to make their penis not only bigger but a lot more impressive compared to the average size of a male penis today.

You can perform jelqing at home to discover how tomake your penis bigger than you ever thought possibleusing this natural technique.

In essence, Jelqing is an exercises thatforces more blood into your penis, after a few minutes you will notice your penis is larger in a flaccid state. This is temporary after the first few sessions but after a few weeks your penis will be capable of holding more blood by expanding the soft tissue of your penis.

Most men will noticeimpressiveresults within thefirst 4 weeks.

Combining these two exercises as well as warming up and stretching exercises will dramatically increase your penis length and girth.Most men report an increase between 1-4 inches!

Size does matter!Discover how to make your penis bigger with natural exercises and techniques you can do at home today.