Increase Testosterone - 4 Proven Herbs to Increase Testosterone Naturally!

If you want to increase testosterone you can do it naturally and here we have selected 5 herbs that will do just that, as well as enhance your sexual health and overall wellness at the same time.

Testosterone is the key male sex hormone and decreases as we age, seeing us lose sexual desire and generally sapping energy levels. Of course, you are what you eat and if you feed your body the right foods, you can roll back the years and feel more active and sexual.

Let's look at the herbs which can all be got in the best fast acting herbal sex pills - here they are.

Horny Goat Weed

A great name and the herb is one of the best natural libido enhancers you can get. It not only increases testosterone levels but also boosts nitric oxide levels.

Nitric oxide is the chemical that allows an erection to take place. It relaxes and expands the blood vessels enough, so an increased amount of blood can enter, swell the penis and create an erection. Without enough nitric oxide, you will never get an erection, so topping it up is vital.

Horny Goat weed also combats stress, a known passion killer and lifts energy levels in the body, to put you in the mood for sex.

Mucuna Pruriens Extract

This herb has been proven in medical testing to have anabolic and growth hormone stimulant properties. The anabolic effect of the herb increases testosterone. The high levels of l-dopa in the mucuna seed are converted to dopamine which helps the release testosterone by the pituitary gland. L-dopa and dopamine also act as inhibitors of prolactin. High levels of prolactin are surprisingly, thought to be responsible for 70-80% of erection failures in men.

This popular herb is a tonic herb and recent medical research has shown it helps increase testosterone as well. In addition, t provides some other key benefits to health including:

Improving blood circulation which is a key element of sexual desire by pumping blood to the genitals and libido relies on strong blood flow to the penis where nitric oxide lets it enter. It also works to increase energy, increase sperm count, keep sperm healthy and helps heal the sex organs.

Tongkat Ali Extract (Eurycoma longfolia)

This herb has been used for thousands of years to help treat fatigue, loss of sex drive, and impotence.
It contains super oxide dimutase, an anti-oxidant that inhibits the chain reaction of free radicals which damage the body The bioactive Glygopeptide compounds contained have been proven to increase free testosterone and reduce SHBG levels in in numerous medical tests. Finally, Tongakat Ali helps keep sperm healthy, increases sperm count, size and motility.

Get them All in the Best Fast Acting Herbal Sex Pills

Increasing testosterone naturally is far cheaper than testosterone replacement therapy and it's also doing it as nature intended.

These herbs are all contained in the best herbal sex pills and the herbs provide other health benefits in addition to curing low testosterone levels. Try the above combination of herbs and your testosterone levels will rise and so to will your overall feeling of wellness.