Psychological Effects Of Acne - How To Overcome Them

Acne is probably the most prevalent skin condition among both adults and adolescents. The physical appearance is not the only thing affected by acne; many people suffer psychological effects as well. Often they will avoid social interactions and events because of the insecurity they feel. Appearance, in modern society, has assumed monumental social importance. How we look often affects other people's perceptions and evaluations of us, and more importantly, our estimation of ourselves. For teenaged sufferers in particular, the stress created by this social pressure can cause low self-esteem and low self-image that continue to affect people long after they have reached adulthood. Social acceptance during the teen years is more important than at any other time of life. So what happens if a person has a physically altering condition like as acne?

Why Acne Has Such A Negative Psychological Impact

During the teen years, people begin developing a strong sense of self. It is the time when individuality begins to surface and also a time when social conformity is the most important. There is no other time in life when social acceptance is of such paramount importance as it is during adolescence. Studies have shown that the psychological effects of acne may lead to depression, social anxiety and withdrawal, and eating disorders. When a teen suffers from a disfiguring case of acne, his or her sense of self is profoundly impacted and it doesn't just go away. Many adults labor with the psychological effects of acne, feeling ugly, conspicuous, and undesirable long after they have left adolescence.

Another factor that may affect self-esteem for adolescents is the misconception that acne is caused by a lack of hygiene. While this isn't true, it may contribute to the anxiety felt in social situations. Acne is primarily linked to hormonal activity, and not to personal hygiene, but this perception may play into self-image issues for both adolescents and adults.

What Can Be Done To Help Prevent Acne-related Psychological And Emotional Damage

The first step toward improving self-image is to understand what causes acne, and to take the necessary steps to prevent acne breakouts. Minor cases of acne may be handled by a proper skin care regimen, and sometimes, by eliminating diet-related causes. Food allergies have been shown to sometimes increase acne. Severe acne usually requires medical intervention to treat it. Whichever way you choose to go, being proactive in the treatment of acne is always best, it increases self-esteem.

Occasionally, as previously mentioned, diet plays a role in acne breakouts although it is generally believed to affect adults more than adolescents. There may be foods that influence acne due to allergies or individual sensitivity to certain food groups. For those who may feel that their acne gets worse when they consume a certain food, try avoiding it for several days. If the acne improves during that time, you may wish to avoid that food or to consult a physician for an allergy test. If the acne is related to a food allergy, the allergy will not go away over time. It may require permanent dietary changes.

Topical concealers, available over-the-counter or by prescription, may be utilized to hide the scarring caused by acne. Some dermatologists carry make-up and other skin care items that are designed to both heal and hide acne. Whichever method works best, don't be afraid to try a few topical applications but avoid those that contain petroleum products or heavy oils. Acne is caused by blocked pores so heavy concealers may actually increase the problem.

For those that may be suffering from anxiety or depression, it is always best to talk these matters over with a physician. There may be other factors besides acne that are causing these conditions; a doctor is best equipped to diagnose and treat those. Don't be afraid to seek help for your acne or for any emotional problems that it may be causing you.