Homemade Pimple Treatments - Treatments for Pimples with Home Remedies

Pimples are the bane of youngsters and they would be very happy to have some homemade pimple treatments so that they can manage their own pimple treatment instead of running to dermatologists every time they get one. This is a time in the life of an adolescent when they are very sensitive to their appearance and would like to look their best always.

Every adolescent should realize that this is just a period in their lives when they have to deal with this problem and once they reach adulthood this will be a thing of the past. The first thing to help with pimples is to get to know what causes them. Pimples which are a milder form of acne are caused by the blocking of pores by the oil secreted from the skin. If neglected these pimples can become more widespread and leave behind scars even after they have healed. So the best way to avoid this is to start your homemade pimple treatments and control more from forming.

Once you know the causes of pimples you should start working on a daily routine to take care of your skin so that you can avoid getting pimples. To remove the excess oil on your skin make sure that you keep your face clean and wash it with a mild antiseptic soap at least twice a day. This helps in preventing the bacteria from forming and causing infection like the pustules that form in pimples. If there are too many pimples then you should also use a antibacterial lotion after washing your face, but once the pimples have dried there is no need to continue with this lotion any longer. However make sure that the cleansing routine is strictly followed.

Homemade pimple treatments are not just for external use, the "insides" should also be taken care of and a detoxifying done for yourself regularly. A drink of lime juice in warm water with a spoon of honey first thing in the mornings will work wonders for your skin. Apart from this what one needs for a clear skin is a well balanced diet with enough nutrients in it. For those who are prone to pimples it is best to avoid all oily foods and eat more of fruits and vegetables. Water is a wonderful detoxifying agent and will help in flushing out the toxins from your body. So try and make sure that at least two liters of water is consumed by you on a daily basis. This is bound to keep your skin clear and rid you of the problem of pimples during your adolescent years. This problem will disappear on its own in any case after a few years and you need not worry about it any longer.