Better Erections - Get Rock Hard Erections With These Herbs Quickly

If you want to get better erections or even rock hard ones, you can do it naturally and in a few weeks of taking these herbs you will have the erection you have always wanted...

Before we begin let's take a look at what's needed for an erection and one of the reasons is obvious - you need a strong an increased blood flow to the penis when sexual arousal occurs. Most men with poor erectile function have sluggish or slow circulation but that's only half the story.

When the blood reaches the Penis you need to realize plenty of nitric oxide in response the messages of sexual arousal to allow the blood vessels in the vicinity of the penis to relax and enough blood to enter and stay there to create an erection.

One of the best herbs to achieve this is Cnidium.

This little known Chinese herb will not only pump your blood more strongly and act as a blood tonic it also produces nitric oxide and allows the blood to flow in. The same function is also performed by Horny Goat Weed not only does it help increase nitric oxide it will also give you a testosterone and energy boost at the same time.

Perhaps the best blood circulatory tonic is Ginkgo Biloba

Ginkgo Biloba improves blood flow throughout the body, while it's anti-oxidant affect means that it protects blood vessels and reduce arteriosclerotic lesions. In addition it increases the half-life of the endothelium relaxation factor, important for a strong, hard long erection.

You can add another couple of herbs on top of the above.

The Schizandra berry is a powerful Chinese herb which increases sexual stamina and strengthens the sex organs generally and also helps fight fatigue and stress and gives the body an energy boost.

Niacin is another great suppplement which improves circulation, by relaxing arteries and veins and in addition it keeps the digestive system, skin and nerves healthy.

Get them ALL

If you want to get the above you can as the best herbal sex pills have them included as well as other great herbs to give you better erections or rock hard erections.

After just a few weeks and at the same time you will also find your overall sense of wellbeing has increased and it will have all been achieved naturally without prescription drugs.